"So are you still mad? Cause I miss you." Trinity tilted her head to the side as she studied Aijah.

Out of all of the girls she met last year, Trini clicked with Aijah the most. They both had fun, outgoing personalities. But at the same time, they were both dealing with childhood trauma caused by their parents. They could relate on a lot of things.

Aijah rolled her eyes but smiled as she stood up. Swiftly, Trini yanked her into a tight hug. "I missed you too... I guess." Aijah muttered, causing Trini to slap the back of her neck. "I'm just playin' ugly bitch."

"Ugly my ass. You know you missed me." Trini retorted before pulling away from the hug. "And when the fuck did you go down to your parents house?" She put her hands on her hips.

Aijah rolled her eyes. "Does the whole Texas know about that? Shit."

She's been at her parents house for only about a week now and the amount of texts she's gotten asking her why she went up there was unbelievable. She understood people were just looking out, but they acted as if she couldn't go visit her parents.

"I stopped by your house the other day and I was knocking for a good lil' minute. Some cute brownskin boy from across the street said you had gone out of town, and then I heard from Rell later on at the club that you were at your parents house."

"That boy is Rell's cousin. I asked him to keep my mail with him while I was gone. I can guess who Rell figured out from." Aijah shrugged carelessly, scratching her head as she glanced around the office. The only people who she told she was going to her parents house were Mari, Mayah and Tasia. She asked them to not let the boys know, but she figured they were gonna find out one way or another.

"Well... Rell been going a lil' crazy. Might wanna call that man." Trini spoke, making Aijah arch an eyebrow. "Me, him and Mir were having a small meeting at Harmoni late yesterday night and he spent the whole damn meeting telling Mir that you're always avoiding shit or something along the lines of that."

Aijah shook her head as she exhaled deeply. She knew Rell was gonna do the most about her going to her parents house and assume she was ducking him, but she couldn't help the bad timing. She landed in the hospital with food poisoning the next day after they slept together and her mom was the first person she called. Jocelyn didn't play when it came to her kids being sick so she insisted Aijah stay with her until she got better.

"You can tell him and whoever else that I have food poisoning. I'm not avoiding nothing or nobody. I've just been feeling like shit and barely wanting to get out of bed, let alone speak to anyone." AJ ranted.

"Only reason I even came in today is because Mari had to take nephew to the doctor for his yearly check up. I'm on so many pain pills I'm surprised I haven't passed the fuck out yet." She rolled her eyes as Trini chuckled.

"Just take it easy and leave if you're not feeling well. Don't jeopardize your health for work. You got all these employees here, let 'em take on some of your tasks." Trini smiled softly and Aijah nodded. She would, if she trusted them like that. "But lemme let you go before those people start throwing a fit in there."

"You ain't lying." Aijah muttered. Opening the office door, she and Trini said their goodbyes before heading their separate ways. Aijah walked back over to her client who was busy talking to her friend while scrolling on her phone. She apologized for the hold up and the girl told her it was no big deal, prompting her to immediately get back to work.

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