"What's wrong with my monster of a car? I like it!" I sounded petulant even to my own ears, but I didn't care. My friend rolled her eyes on a sigh.

     "I didn't say there's something wrong with it. All I'm saying is that it's gonna take us forever to park the damn thing." That I couldn't argue with. Parking the monster was going to be hard indeed. "Where did you get it from anyway?" Your client bought it to me after bumping my Chevi. I hated that I couldn't tell her the truth.

     "I rented it." Her eyes performed a 360 rotation again.

     "You must be paying a fortune for this. When's yours ready?" I wish I knew that. Driving a car that wasn't mine didn't feel right to me either. 

     "I don't know. A week or so?" A Range Rover pulled out of its space somewhere on the right and I felt relieved. If that monster of a car could park there, then  it was going to be piece of cake for me to park my monster of a car there too.

     Pulling into the now empty space I pushed the breaks and the wheels screeched a little on the pavement. A little sigh went past my friend's pefrfectly red lips.

     "Finally. Now, are we ready to party?" She shimmied her chest a little and I couldn't help but laugh. "Let's go, Jules! I'm getting old here."

      We both climbed out of the car and after pulling at my golden dress a little and fixing my hair, we both made our way to the entrence of the club. The bouncers barely glanced at us before granting us access and Lila awarded them with a small, sexy wink and an air kiss.

     We then made our way through the crowd and my friend smiled at the sight ahead of us. The bartender was huge, hot and covered in tattooes. He and Lila were going to get along just fine.

      "What shall it be, ladies?" He asked once we reached the bar. His voice was low and husky and I could already see Lila flushing.

     "I'll have a screaming orgasm." I really hoped that she was talking about the cocktail. God!

     "Coming up. And your friend?" The fucking bastard didn't even bother looking my way.   

     "She'll have a Screwdriver." Well, at least she had got it right. The bartender winked and went to get our drinks and that's when my friend lost it. "Isn't he hot?" Lila squealed, turning towards me.

     "He's... interesting." Not my type of hot, anyway. 

     "Well, I like him." Obviously.

     Our brief conversation was halted the moment our drinks appeared in front of us and Lila turned to look at the bartender again.

     "I'm Lila." She extended her hand at him and he took it in his, giving it a little shake.

     "Harvey. It's great to meet you, Lila!" I turned my back to the bar, giving them a little privacy, and sipped my cocktail. As long as Harvey kept my cocktails coming and treated Lila well, they could flirt all they wanted. God knows Lila needed it, after being rejected by Kevin.


     One hour, no dance, and three cocktails later I was starting to finally get a little dizzy. Maybe it was the time for me to stop, grab Lila and take us both home. Too bad I didn't really know where Lila was. Plus, I wasn't so sure I was capable of driving.

     A gentle tap on my shoulder had me turning toward the man standing right behind me, my eyes immediately bulging. Fucking hell! I'll be damned if he wasn't even hotter than usually. A dull presure formed at my core at the sight of him and I had to clamp my thighs shut to try and alleviate it. How could his simple presence do that to me?

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