Chapter 40

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I glared at the man in front of me

"I'm gonna kill you" I grumble

"Why because I didn't get you the food you wanted" he asked

"Yes" I told him

"That's a stupid reason" he laughed

"No it's not food is life" I told him as I puffed out my chest

"Damn I didn't know you had that big of a chest" he said

I looked at him with wide eyes before they turned into a murderous glare, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his head.

"Your lucky I don't have any weapons because if I did you be on the ground dead" I threatened

All he did was laugh

"All I'm saying is the truth" he said in defense

"And your pervert" I told him

He put a hand over his chest

"I'm hurt"

I rolled my eyes at him

"Yah yah whatever"

Kai sighed before he got up and walked out of the room.

I looked out the window

The room was silent to where you could hear a pin drop, my brain flooded with thoughts.

It's already been two weeks since Sauskes return to the village, he moved in with Itachi. They're finally getting along and making up for lost time, not everyone accepted him at first but it slowly changed when he helped out.

Although there's still dread in the air, the threat of an attack still hanging over us. I was hoping he would change his mind and not go through with the attack or making a new ten tails. Even if I knew Luna would be stronger then that creation it was the destruction and how many would dye from it was all I could think about.

The boys have also been acting weird well weirder then normal, they've been bickering more then usual but hey it gives me free entertainment.

I was going to start trying to walk in a few days although I would of liked to of started that like a month ago, I didn't want to make Tsunade mad nor Sakura cause to be fair when there both mad at the same time no one's gonna make it out alive.

As the minutes passed by I was becoming more and more bored.

"Fuck this shit" I said

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself to the edge, my feet touching the cold tile floor. I slowly stood up my legs shaking but soon stop, I stood there for a few more minutes taking deep breaths to clam my nerves.

'Your gonna fall' Luna said

'Am not' I told her

I moved one foot forward successfully taking a step I then move my other foot in front of that one but lost my balance and fell forward, I quickly turned so I wouldn't face plant into the ground.

The air getting knocked out of my lungs

'Told you' Luna laughed

'Oh shut up' I groaned

She kept laughing to the point it was getting annoying

I got up and held onto my bed closing my eyes

The thoughts and memories of Maiko and my friends and everyone who had passed came back to me.

Truth untold   (Naruto various x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora