"He's ok now."

"Good, good." Seriously that's all they had to say.

"Do you know when they'll release him?"

"No sorry I haven't talked to the doctor in awhile."


"Wait there he is" I point to the Dr. Wright "I'll go talk to him"

"Ok" Man theses people were easy I thought as I walked over to Dr. Wright.

"Hey Dr. Wright I was wondering what time Andrew was going to be able to be let go."

"I say by tomorrow noon no later. We just want to keep him here to make sure everything is alright."

"Ok. Can someone stay here to keep him company?"

"As long as it's family and they're over seventeen."

"Ok. Thanks doctor."

"Glad to help." He puts his hand on my shoulder than walks off.

I turn back to Andrew's parents. The blonde girl was back already.

"The doctor said that he should be out by noon tomorrow." I say.

"Ok. Can we stay here?" His mom asks.

"You could but I was gonna offer to stay if you'd rather be at home. I'll have my sister keep you updated if anything bad happens."

"That's really nice of you thanks. We are all so beat because of Brandy's piano rehearsal."

"I understand." How can Andrew live with these people? Once he turns eighteen he's moving in with me.

"Thanks again" She paused to try to remember my name.

"Eric mom" the blonde I mean Brandy said. By the look in her eyes she was definitely annoyed by her bitchy I mean snobby parents.

"Oh yes. Thanks a lot Eric."

"It's no problem."

"Well were gonna go pay the bill and leave. Bye"

"Bye" His parents walked off to the counter and Brandy stayed behind.

"I'm sorry my parents are... I don't know what they are there head is in something and they just think Andrew is made of steel and he's always ok just because he's a boy." I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"It's ok don't worry. Do you want to stay here with your brother too?"

"Can I?" She says with hope in her voice.

"Ask you parents tell them I'll take you and Andrew home tomorrow."

"Ok thanks" She grinned at me then went off to ask her parents for permission. After awhile she came back.

"They gave in" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

I turned to her parents but they were already gone.

"Come on let's go see you brother."

"I thought he was sleeping?"

"I think he's awake now."

"Oh ok." She says understanding what I had done.

I walk back to the room with Brandy at my side. I open the door and let her walk in first. Once we're inside I see both Andrew and Amber laying on the bed watching reruns of the nanny.

I cough to let them know we're here. Surely enough they both turn to look at us.

"Brandy?" Andrew asks unsure if it's really her there.

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