Two people walk after father inside the cell.

My hold tightens on Elijah as guns get pointed towards us all.

One of the men grabs me by the arm while the other grabs Atlas.

The start dragging us somewhere as the guns never leave our foreheads and we follow father.

Elijah starts to wake up by all the noise around us.

People yelling orders at each other, gun shots and more.

"Mama?" He whispers confused in a sleepy tone.

I look at him, "it's okay baby, go back to sleep" I say softly as he wraps his arms around my neck and snuggles his head into my neck.

I caress his back lovingly as he slowly falls back asleep.

I pull the hood of my hoodie up so it covers Elijah's head and I cover his ears so they don't get damaged by all the loud noises around us.

I suddenly see Valerio in front of father.

He shoots the two guys who are holding me and Atlas through the head.

The painful grip on my arm falls away as another gun shot in father his knees makes him fall down.

Ares appears here too just like the rest of my brothers.

They all visibly relax seeing us.

Our faces are pretty swollen and bruised up from the first torture session we got which makes it a little harder to recognize us at first glance I guess.

Ares runs up to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're alive" he says before pulling away for a second and looks at me.

"Jesus Christ we have to get you to a hospital" he says, worry lacing his eyes.

Elijah starts moving again which takes a hold of his attention.

He gently pulls the hood of the hoodie down, "is that?" He asks as tears emerge in his eyes.

I nod my head, "yeah, this is Elijah" I tell him as I get a little chocked up myself.

"He-he isn't dead" he says softly

"My father somehow found him after John threw him away" I tell him.

"Oh my god" he whispers while still looking at Elijah.

"Can I-?" He asks while reaching out to him.

I nod my head and slowly pry Elijah's hands off of my T-shirt and slowly I let Ares take him over, "don't drop or hurt him okay, I will kill you if you do" I warn him

He gulps nervously but nods his head.

Slowly we start walking out of the building.

When we're outside and far away from it, someone suddenly makes the building explode as father gets dragged away to be put in the basement at home.


Ares' POV.

Elijah shoots awake from the explosion and looks up at me.

Suddenly his eyes start to water, "where's mama?" He asks as his voice breaks and he starts looking around.

Fuck what do I do now

Athena is going to kill me if he sees him cry.

"Shh don't cry Elijah, I'm mama's best friend okay. Mama is.." I start looking around and see her in the distance talking to some of her brothers.

I point to her, "look mama is there" I say

"I want mama, I not know you" he cries.

"Euhm okay, we can go to mama" I say a little panicked.

He nods his head, as I start walking to Athena.

"Shhh don't cry Elijah" I say gently while bouncing him a little.

When we're a few feet away from Athena, Elijah starts calling out for her.


Athena Rossi's POV.

"Mama!" I hear Elijah scream

I immediately turn to see him crying in Ares' hold.

What the fuck did he do!?

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