Chapter Fourty Three : A Day In December

Start from the beginning

Wow. I'd never really thought about it like that.

I guess I really have had a big influence on him.

He's a little less uptight now than he used to be, going out of his way to do nice things for me and take an interest - even if it was about something he absolutely hated. He'd become a little less annoyed with his brothers, sort of beginning to embrace The Twins's chaos and Ron's child-like nature. Even if he still didn't have the best relationship with either of them. He still stayed stayed pretty close with Ginny, but had began to form more of a bond with his parents (especially his mother). And even trying his best to get along with my friends - even it it really, really killed him. God knows Callum wasn't making it any easier on him.

"And he makes you less annoying to." George charmingly chimed in.

Ouch. Rude.

"Whatever." I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest defiantly. "Not like I was going to give you the greatest news of your life or whatever."

"What do you mean?" They both asked with quizzical looks and scrunched up eyebrows.

"Look out the window, dip shits."

They hurried over to the window, shoving eachother away to get a closer look. "It's snowing!"

"You bet your asses it is!" I grinned happily, gripping both of their wrists to pull them towards the door. "Now come on, let's go!"


Trowing on my puffy winter jacket and some boots, I tied my hair out of my face an prepared for war. It was finally snowing at the Weasley home, and everyone knew what that means...

"Snow ball fight!" George and Fred both yelled simultaneously, placing Ginny on their shoulders and the danced around the room.

"Snow ball fight, snow ball fight!" She canted with them, eyes gleaming in joy as she continued to pump his small fists in the air.

"You guys, it's not a Quidditch match." Callum rolled his eyes, tugging his white winter socks higher up his feet.

"Have you ever been at the Borrow when it's snowing?" I laughed. "It's might as well be."

"Hell yeah! Another game I can beat you losers at." Charlie chimed in, cheeks stocked with his red face paint and a matching red scarf.

"We're not losers." Ron huffed, begining to sulk a little.

"Yeah. And who says we won't beat you?" I asked, shooting him a look of determination. Yeah, you could say I was a little competitive.

"Since when are you this competitive?" Percy asked with a slight chuckle to his voice, bringing my heart to a flutter.

George laughed at this. "Ohh you have clearly never seen Y/n when she's having a snowball fight." He teased.

"Which is also probably why I wasn't allowed on the Quidditch team." I joked, running my fingers through my hair one last time before securing it with a hair tie.

"I'll take your word for it."


When everyone had finally finished getting into their heavy winter gear, which consisted of jackets thrown over pajamas and some hustle from Molly saying that we would freeze without our earmuffs, we all excitedly ran outside to separate into teams.

"Percy, aren't you coming?" I heard Bill ask, noticing Percy stay behind the door, still in his slippers and pajamas.

"I'm good!" He yelled back, cupping his hands around his mouth before turning back to his cup of coffee. "Where I am is warm and comfortable, I'd rather not freeze to death, thanks."

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