Twenty "Some time alone"

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"I'm just looking out for you Y/n, this idiot is just crazy!" Yuta moved you out of the way and continued to fight with Taeil. When he moved you, he pushed you a little too hard that you fell over and hit your head. "Dude, are you fucking crazy? You just hurt her!" Taeil went to help you up and so did Yuta. "Y/n, please forgive me." Yuta held your hand.

"Both of you, can you just leave? I need some time alone." You said and they both left.

Taeil's P.O.V

We both left the room and saw Taeyong leaving his room. "Are you guys alright? Did you fight?" Taeyong questioned. "I'm going to the room, Taeil don't you dare think of following me." Yuta walked away.

"Yeah, he over reacted about something small." You rolled your eyes.

"What was it?"

"He saw me kiss her. It was nothing but he's a little too protective I guess."

"Do you like her?"
"Yeah I do. But, she has someone else In mind." You started to walk away. "Also, don't go in there. She wants to be alone for now." You continued walking away.

Taeyong's P.O.V

You stood with your hands in your pockets as you watched him walk into the elevator. Someone else on her mind? The door opened and You locked eyes with her. "Y/n." You approached her. Her eyes were slightly red and swollen. "Wanna go down to the beach?" You smiled.

Doyoung's P.O.V

You were eating dinner with your fiancé at a restaurant. "Oh my god, I saw Taeyong this morning. He still looks the same after three years." She said while not even touching the food.

"Do you know him?"
"Our fathers know each over but personally I don't like him. He's too nice..."

"I guess that's one thing we have in common." You smirked.
"I guess so."
"Are you not going to eat?" You looked at her.

"No. I don't feel like it. Especially after talking about Taeyong. Oh and his friends are just the dorkiest."

"He hangs around with these obviously LOW class people. That's just embarrassing." She laughs.


"Well, If you're finished eating, best we get going." She lifted up her purse.

"Yeah, lets go."

You both left.

Y/n's P.O.V

You and Taeyong walked along the sand as the stars begun to appear. "This view is so beautiful, I want to paint it someday." You said looking at the night sky.

"What, me?" He joked.

"You wish." You pushed him and you both laughed together.

"Okay aha. I would like to see that painting though, you better show it to me."

"Fine, I will." You carried on walking in front of him. You thought about today.

Taeyong's P.O.V

You watched her prance around. She was lit up in the dark, her dress shined and her skin gleamed. She is a one of a kind angel. You noticed her sit down so you went over to her.

Y/n's P.O.V

He sat beside me. I looked over at him we stared into each overs eyes. "You rejected Taeil today?" He asked.

"Nope, but he knows I don't like him that way." You sighed.

"Who is it? That you like?" He played with his hands. You sighed and looked at the sky.

"I... can we not? Not talk about this?"

"Yeah um sorry about that." He looked down.

"Should we... keep walking?" You smiled and both continued to walk along the calm waters.

Soon after, you noticed other people walking towards you both. you didn't think much of it, until they got closer. You gasped quietly and stopped in your tracks. "T-Tae..."

"I'm here, don't worry." He said, holding onto your hand.

"Well, What have we got here?!" Hye-Jin laughed. Doyoung's mouth slightly opened as he widened his eyes.

"Hye-Jin, what do you want. Shouldn't you guys be on your honey moon or something?" He rolled his eyes. As they bickered you looked up from the ground at Doyoung. He looked straight back at you and at your hand holding Taeyong's but soon turned away. Tears formed in your eyes.

"Don't waste your time on this guy. Lets go." Doyoung held onto her wrist and started to walk away. "What's the rush? I- You're the girl who spilt water on me!" She pulled out of Doyoungs grip and pointed at you.

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat