Twenty "Some time alone"

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The next morning

You were wandering around the hotel, looking for Taeyong when you found a lounge area. Women were sat around a Television watching the news. You leaned against the wall and listened. "..Has revealed that the wedding will take place in Spain next week." Your eyes widen as it shows pictures of Doyoung and a woman. Not just any woman but the one you saw on your first day here. Hye-Jin. You took a couple steps back and bumped into someone. "Y/n?" Taeyong looked concerned.

"Did you know that Doyoung was staying h-here?" You stuttered, He sighed and nodded his head. "I only found out yesterday but don't let it bother you okay? I don't want you worrying for next few days." He pat your head softly.

"No need to worry, I don't really care but h-his girlfriend, I saw her the other day. She's a rude bitch!" You walked over to the exit. "They're perfect for each over." You rolled your eyes as you both left the building.


You both entered the Café where the others were waiting for you. "What took you guys so long aye?" Mark questioned while on facetime to someone.

"Is Y/n there? Pass the phone Mark!" You heard someone speak on the other end of the call. You sat beside Johnny and Mark gave the phone to you. "Oh hey Yangyang! Hi Jungwoo! Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah we're back already, we'll wait for you."

One hour later

You were sat alone, in your room. Tears were falling as you looked out of the window. "H-He's really here..." You wiped away your tears and rested on the bed. KNOCK KNOCK

You kept quiet, hoping whoever it was would go away. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Y/n?" You heard him speak. I guess he isn't going to leave anytime soon. "I-I'm coming..." You walked to the door and hesitantly opened it. Taeil was standing in front of you with a bouquet of pretty purple and white flowers. The wide smile which was on his face soon disappeared. He quickly walked in and shut the door. "What's the matter? You look like you've been crying..." He put the flowers on the table and touched the side of your face. "It's nothing, I'm fine. You may as well leave now since you probably have things to do." You said, looking at the ground and slowly pushing his hand away. He was speech-less for a moment. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong- oh do you not like these colors? I can get you different ones." He put the flowers in your hand. You looked at the bouquet and smiled. "I like these ones, Thankyou." You smelt them.

He chuckled in relief. "I knew you would." He hang his coat up and you both sat down. "So, If the flowers aren't the problem, what is?" You turned and looked outside.

"Nothing important, it means nothing to me now." You looked him in the eyes and fake smiled.

"I know when you're not yourself. Y/n please." You tried so summon up the courage again but it was useless. You couldn't keep it in anymore. "W-Why does he have t-to be here, Taeil! I've tried my best, I really h-have! I've tried to move away from this and forget b-but its useless!" You embraced him and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed the back of your head slowly. "I'm sorry that it's been like this for you. If I had the power to, I would make everything how you want it to be, so that you're happy and smiling all the time." He broke the hug. "I-I like you a lot Y/n and I'll never make you cry." He confessed looking into your sparkling eyes. You stared blankly at him, not knowing how to respond. Softly, he placed his lips onto yours. Everything was silent. Suddenly, the door opened and you pulled away. "What the..." Yuta widened his eyes.

"Sorry, Y/n." Taeil whispered as he stood up and approached him. "Yuta I-" Yuta swung at Taeil and punched him in the face. He touched his bleeding lip and wiped it. "Don't touch her again!" Yuta punched him in the stomach. "Yuta!" You ran up to him and pushed him back. "Stop this. He did mean any harm!" You yelled.

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat