Nine "Little Slip"

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Two days later you were at work, you had spent the last couple days with Doyoung. You guys built a stronger bond together. You hadn't really spoken with Yuta. You were ignoring him since he has been unsupportive of your relationship with your boyfriend.

You ran down the hallway, in a hurry. "I have to get these files in right now!" You ran but suddenly someone stuck there leg out and you fell face flat on the floor.
Irene snickered. "Watch where you're going." She and her red heels walked away. You were left on the floor groaning in pain. You sat up and rubbed your grazed knees.
"That bitch, she's still going at it." You whispered to yourself before someone offered you a hand.
"Doyoung..." You took his hand and he quickly pulled you up. "Are you alright? What happened?" He smiled.
"I just tripped. I was running and...wasn't looking where I was going."
"Oh, be careful next time baby. You didn't get hurt right?"
"No I'm fine, I have to give these papers to Mr. Choi so I'll see you later."
"Okay, that's where I am heading so I'll take them for you." He kisses you and walks away.

Yeah you lied about it. You just don't want him worrying. Plus, you were too scared to mention Irene in case she was listening and then got you again later. You also hid your knees from him.

You turn around and to your surprise, you see Jaehyun. "I thought you weren't coming in today?" You ask him.
"Change of plans." He smiled
Then he saw your legs. "Did you just lie to Mr. Kim?"
"Well, yeah, and why were you listening." He sighed.
"You want me to hear and not be worried? They're bleeding. Let me help you, come with me." He leads you outside in the garden. He takes out plasters from his bag and fixes your scratched knees.

"There, better?"

"Thanks, yeah." You stand up.

"What's the matter?" He puts his hand on your shoulder.

"Nothing." You brush his hand off and walk away.

"Y/n?" He follows you, confused because of the way you're acting. You knew he was following you so you walked into the woman's restroom. After texting your parents about some random things, you washed your hands. "Oh shit." You remembered a meeting you were supposed to go to. You ran towards the door but accidently slipped. You did not see the caution sign. "Ah!"

Twenty minuets later // Johnny's P.O.V

I was taking a walk when I suddenly got a phone call from Y/n. I picked up. "Hello?"

"Hi, It's Jaehyun, Y/n's friend. She's had an accident Uh-"

"What happened? Where is she? Is she okay!" I started to freak out a little.

"She's at the hospital with me-"

"I'm on my way." I began running to the hospital. It was only five minutes away.

Once I arrived I saw Jaehyun arguing with someone. They pushed each other. "Woah, Guys what the fuck are you doing, Where's Y/n?"

"She is in room 032." Jaehyun said.

"Okay, and why are you guys fighting, what is going on?"

"This idiot is mad because I didn't call him first to tell him about Y/n." Jaehyun pointed at Doyoung. I just glared at Doyoung and ran to room 032.

End of Johnny's P.O.V

The door slowly opened and Johnny walked towards you. You were asleep. "Oh Y/n, you're so clumsy." He held your hand. Your head was a little bruised and there was a cast on your other hand. "I'll leave you to rest but I will be back." He kissed your hand and left.

Soon after, you woke up. You remember slipping and then everything going black. "I must've hit my head hard." You slowly sat up and the door opened revealing Jaehyun and Doyoung.

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now