She raised her hand to knock but hesitated. 'What if he's already asleep? I don't want to wake him up, she thought to herself. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, before taking a deep breath and knocking. The door swung open, and she came face-to-face with Natsu, who wore a surprised look on his face.

"Lucy, what's the matter? Is everything alright?" Natsu asked now, clearly concerned. Lucy looked down now, feeling very foolish for bothering him simply because she was scared. "It's nothing, nevermind. I'm sorry for bothering you. Goodnight," she said, still not looking up at him. She began to walk away but was pulled back by a warm hand on her wrist.

"I know something's bothering you, and I'd like to help in any way I can. So I'm going to ask again, What's wrong?" Natsu asked, making butterflies erupt in Lucy's stomach. Lucy became flustered. "I'm too scared to sleep alone," she said quietly, and without saying anything back, Natsu pulled her in and closed the door.

"You can stay here with me," he said, leading her to his bed. Lucy quickly made herself comfortable as Natsu joined her in bed.

"Do you want to watch something on TV or do you just want to sleep?" Natsu asked, holding the TV remote (AN: the TV is right in front of his bed on the wall, but you can imagine it wherever you want). "Tv," Lucy answered simply. Natsu nodded his head, putting on 'The Amazing World of Gumball', knowing that it was one of Lucy's favourite cartoons.

While watching the cartoon, a thought struck Lucy: 'Has Natsu told anyone else what happened?'. Lucy knew Natsu wouldn't do that without her consent, but she couldn't help but wonder. After minutes of debating with herself, she voiced her thoughts "Did you tell anyone else what happened?" she asked.

Natsu turned to look at her. "I only told our parents and the police. Nobody else." His statement made Lucy smile since it's clear that he respected her by not telling everyone without her consent. "Thank you," she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

Natsu smiled and shuffled closer to Lucy; his body heat radiated off of him, giving Lucy a sense of relaxation. Lucy laid her head down on Natsu's chest, and Natsu wrapped his arms around her. Surrounded by his warmth, Lucy fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

Natsu's POV

I lay there with my arms wrapped around the love of my life, smiling like a maniac and watching cartoons. This isn't what I expected to happen when I opened my door to the sound of a knock this late.

I admit I was a bit surprised to see my future wife standing there, but my surprise was quickly replaced by concern. I feel elated that she would come to me in her time of need.

My heart soared with joy when she laid her head on my chest. I had to resist the urge to shower her with kisses. Lucy snuggled more into my chest and draped her leg across mine, getting more comfortable as she slept. I placed a kiss on her forehead before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


Third-person POV

Natsu had woken up with a smile on his face, but his smile dropped upon noticing that he was alone. 'Where did my beloved go?' He asked himself, a feeling of panic taking over as he searched his entire bedroom and bathroom. He heard the low sounds of pans clanking downstairs and immediately made his way down.

The closer he got to the kitchen, the more sounds of laughter filled his ears, calming him a bit. Upon entering the kitchen, he was greeted by the pleasant sight of his beloved, surrounded by his family, eating breakfast. The sight of Lucy put his heart at ease.

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