Chapter 11 - Disappearances and Saviors

Start from the beginning

He counted twenty-three approaching him.

The first one that got to him raised it's sword in a clunky manner and had terrible form.

Leopold thought that maybe this wouldn't be that difficult. He might live to see another day.

He swung his sword and severed the knights torso from his legs. However, instead of blood and a body, the Knight literally shattered into pieces!

They were made of glass!

Leopold watched in horror as the peices of the Knight lifted themselves into the air and reformed into at least five new suits of armour in under two seconds.

He didn't have time to panic before the next one was on him. On instinct, he parried its attack and cut its head off. Then he cursed.

Again, it reformed. He was swarmed. He could do nothing but kill them or be killed. He would tire eventually, and they would keep replicating themselves. He was stuck.

He also noticed that as he killed them, the new knights that formed were better and stronger at swordplay than before.

There were lots of words he could use right now, and there wasn't one that wouldn't get him into huge trouble with his mother.

One of the knights managed to rake his sword down Leopold's right arm. Fantastic, he thought, the best place to be injured.

Just as he had come to the conclusion that he was going to die in the middle of the forest and his body would never be found, the Knight infront of him fell forward, a dagger embedded in his back.

Leopold watched in amazement as the glass shards that shattered upon contact with the dagger, stayed in the ground and disapated into dust.

He looked up and found himself staring at Hope. She drew her own sword and started killing all the knights that came at her. As in, she actually killed them!

Next to him, another one dropped to the floor, an arrow embedded in its neck.

He heard a thump behind him, and then someone grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards the bank he'd fallen down earlier.

He craned his neck and caught a glimpse of Robs, the angry girl that was friends with Leia.

"GO, you'll be safe at the top. That's where the barrier is." She shouted, turning back to where the battle was raging.

"Wait," he called, "What are they? How are you killing them? What barrier?" He had so many questions he couldn't get them all out.

She shot a few more down with her arrows as she made a beeline for the nearest tree.

"ROLAND!" She shouted when she reilised Leopold hadn't followed her orders.

He realised it wasn't just Hope and Robs fighting. Leia was there too, making quick work of any Knight who crossed her path, and Leopold had to admit her swordsmanship was jmpressive.

There were the other two boys from that lunch table as well, fighting back to back.

The one who must have been Roland glanced over at Robs as she pointed at Leopold before scaling up a tree like a squirrel.

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