Chapter 5 - Car Rides and Spells

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A/N: Sorry its been so long here's what's happened in case you forgot

In the present Leopold and Leia have met, Killian stopped one of Leia's friends from beating Leopold up and Emma and Leo have talked in her office about what Leopold thinks happened, she hasn't really explained everything that really happened yet though.

In the past Emma has found out she is pregnant again and she and Killian are headed to Regina's to find out if Zelina's behind it somehow. 

Realm- The land of second chances (Storybrooke)

Time- present

It took some convincing but eventually Leopold climbed into Emma's 'Yellow Bug' as she described it. He hadn't yet covered cars in his basic technology class and therefore was wary about getting in the phantom horse's carriage. Emma had laughed when he had called it that and when he looked quizzically  at her, was surprised to learn that Captain Jones had almost exactly the same reaction to cars.  

When they were both in the bug and had seatbelts on (which was another hassle in itself) Emma drove away from the large car park of the grand castle where he had come through the portal this morning. They drove onto the forest road in silence as they made their decent into town. 

Despite the circumstances, the road was like something out of a painting. One of those hanging in the many rooms of his castle, depicting some of the most beautiful places in the kingdom and often given as a gift to the royal family. Trees towered around them, not another thing in sight. Just the trees. It gave the impression that all that existed in this world was them and the road. It was everything he ever wanted as a child. Quiet! Away from the hustle and bustle of all the servants and residents in the palace. So why did it feel so much like he was suffocating? It was probably that he was about to sleep in a house that Jones was also sleeping in. Or that he would have to face Leia again. 

True he had had English with her as well as communications but they had been sat on the opposite side of the room from each other. English was awful, as well as having Leia in that class, all her friends were there too. The teacher, a lovely woman called Belle, was an angel about it and carried out his request not to be seated near any of them. 

"I ran away because I didn't want to marry a man I didn't love." Emma whispered suddenly causing Leopold to snap his head in her direction surprised. He was so lost in thought that he had almost forgotten about their conversation, almost forgotten she was even in the car. Almost.

What was that supposed to mean anyway? She ran away? Didn't she love Neal? He really shouldn't be that surprised, Emma thought she was in love with Jones and she couldn't exactly love both of them. He still expected her to have loved Neal at some point though, with the way Neal had spoken of her like she was his entire world. He sort of expected Neal to be hers as well, expected that when they found each other again to have another announcement of true love in the kingdom. There would be a ball and a grand celebration. Neal had to be her true love. Didn't he? Maybe he is, maybe he can break whatever spell Jones put on her with true love's kiss! 

That's what it had to be. A spell, it had to be. It had to, because if it wasn't, well, he didn't want to think about what that meant. 

He knew that's not what she wanted to hear though. So he stayed quiet, while he formed his plan in the back of his head.

Emma took his silence as an opportunity to carry on her tale. "I met Killian and he asked if I wanted to join his crew, I accepted, obviously. At first I told myself it was because I needed to get out of the kingdom and couldn't stay in one place too long, piracy was perfect and it would piss off mother and father so that's an added bonus. However, now I think its because I was drawn to Killian since the day we first met, like it was destiny for us to meet." A wistful smile crossed her face as she thought of her beloved, thought of all the years of adventure they'd had together. She loved him so much and if she lost him now she didn't think she'd be able to cope. 

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