Chapter 1: Two Lines and Ice Cream Cones

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while! I couldn't find motivation for a bit.

But! I made a huge accomplishment today, and it gave me the motivation I needed, so! In celebration of my accomplishment, here's a new chapter! Also, I'll be adding the weeks of how far along Tanya is in her pregnancy for either a time skip or at the beginning of a chapter! 

Warning: some sex jokes ahead!


His head throbbed. 

Mao Mao groaned, slowly opening his eyes, and immediately grimaced, finding the light to be too bright, and that he was covered by a light blanket, and that he was on the couch. He felt sore, and his head in particular was aching like he'd been given a concussion in a fist fight. He shut his eyes, and then pulled the blanket over his shoulders, planning on going back to sleep.

Wait. His green eyes then snapped back open, and then he looked down, his eyes widening in horror, and he gasped. 

Where are my clothes?!

Mao Mao yelped and jumped off of the couch. However, dizziness washed over him like a tidal wave, and he covered his mouth as the contents in his stomach churned, nearly collapsing to his knees. He shut his eyes, willing himself not to puke all over the floor.

"Badgerclops," he groaned, feeling too weak to do much else.

Footsteps rushed out of the kitchen, and then Badgerclops appeared, holding a bucket and a glass of water. Mao Mao didn't waste time and grabbed the bucket, vomiting into it seconds after.

"I see that someone's awake, finally," Badgerclops said casually, as if his friend wasn't currently puking into a bucket in front of him.

After a few minutes, Mao Mao stopped, and then reached for the glass of water, feeling the awful taste fading away as the water went down his throat.

"B-Badgerclops," he said, handing the glass back. "Wh-where are my-" 

He yelped as his cape was thrown into his face, along with his gloves and sash, and he growled, lifting his cape off of his face, glaring at the badger, who merely shrugged.

"You wanted your clothes back, didn't you?"

Mao Mao grumbled, but began putting his clothes back on, wrapping his cape around himself, so that, at the very least, he wasn't completely naked. "What happened last night?"

"Well, for one: you, my dear friend, are a hypocrite," Badgerclops said, shrugging. "You got drunk."

Mao Mao opened his mouth to disagree, but then he thought about why he felt like he'd been beaten the crap out of, and then he sighed. "Okay, good point. But… why was I naked?"

"Most likely because you probably slept with Tanya Keys."

Mao Mao nearly choked on his own spit, and he snapped his head up too fast, his headache growing worse, and he groaned, holding his head. "W… what?"

Badgerclops sighed. "Adorabat asked where you were, so we went looking for you, and… well, I saw y'all making out. It looked like it was getting heated, so I decided to leave the gala with Adorabat early and drop her off at her dad's place for the night."

Mao Mao sighed in relief, but his face turned red at the thought of him and Tanya making out. Why had he done that? Oh, thank god that Adorabat hadn't seen them. "Thank you, Badgerclops… I'm really glad that Adorabat hadn't seen us doing that…"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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