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Edinburg, Akashi and Sheffield mobilize to escape from the enemy, due to the patrols, they have to mobilize to avoid being found.

In that Akashi slips down a building and she falls, but luckily she is saved by Edinburg.

Akashi: Arigato.

Sheffield: Tch.

This action causes Edinburg and Akashi to be found by Zuikaku's planes and Sheffield jumps to intercept Zuikaku's planes, Sheffield's AA fire manages to shoot down Zuikaku's planes.

Sheffield: Looks like we're exposed.

Edinburg: (somewhat scared) What are we going to do? Can we get out of here in one piece?

Akashi: (Panic) But the island is surrounded by the enemy.

Sheffield: What an irony, someone from the empire is calling their comrades enemies.

Akashi: But it's true, if they save me I'll be silenced by Akagi or Kaga.

Sheffield: No, it's the best time to escape, I can see Azur Lane ships nearby.

Edinburgh: Let's go!

The girls run for their lives as now the empire is coming after them.

In Iron Blood's fleet she receives the report.

Koln: The enemy spies have been found!

Eugen: (stretching) Well, it's time to work.

Z1: Everything will be easy since I'm here.

Z23: Don't underestimate the enemy. Fight with all your power.

Azur Lane's fleet approaches the site of conflict, and the girls prepare to attack.

Repulse: Well, I have to be precise.

With those anime words the rescue operation begins.

The capital ships of Azur Lane begin to turn their cannons towards the enemy.

Repulse: ¡Nerateeee! ¡POW!

Bam! bam!

Wales: All cannons one volley!

BAM! Bam!

Oklahoma: ¡Fire!

Bam! bam!

Azur Lane's ships began the offensive and the shells began to hit the siren ships as they were closer to the allied fleet.

Fusou: So Azur Lane starts with the offense.

Takao: This is a distraction.

Atago: They try to use the mist and chaos to rescue their friends.

Takao: We can't trust Iron Blood... Ayanami, we're moving.

Ayanami: Si.

Atago: Even if it's a diversionary fleet, we just can't ignore them.

Zuikaku: In that case, leave that job to us. If Gray Ghost is here, I will definitely get my revenge.

The empire girls moved to intercept the enemy.

On another side of the island, our protagonist along with Belfast, Cleveland, Javelin and Laffey cruise at top speed wearing a navy blue blanket as camouflage.

Me: It's already started!

So we hurry to get to the island, once inside we will supposedly have more freedom, but it is not known.

Azur Lane: A lost pre-dreadnought in another worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora