Chapter 8: Preparations and Dedications

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With the clip clops of hooves, SwiftHaze cantered down the stone staircase. She peeked her head into the living room, but nobody was there. She entered the kitchen and saw SilverFlash searching through the cabinets. His head rose when he heard Haze come near him.

"Which one did you watch?" He questioned.

Haze was taken aback. "Um, it was one of CharmingRhythm's memories. He was in a cabin, you were there."

Flash nodded. "Annual family trip."

"You... seemed so much different," Haze admitted. "I didn't even recognize you at first."

"Well, it's not like you've actually seen my face," Flash said. Before she could reply, he added, "You don't want to. I'm as ugly as any other ghoul."

There was a pause. Flash turned back to the counter. Haze saw some pots sitting out on the stove. She remembered he was cooking in the memory.

"Do you like to cook?" She wondered.

Flash nodded. "Always have. Although I don't really need to eat as much as I used to. But I like to cook for others, and I so happen to have company over." He turned to face her for once. "Oh, and you're welcome to stay a night. There's enough beds for all of you."

He does have a heart, Haze confirmed for herself. "I mean, yeah, I saw all the bedrooms. Why the fuck are there so many?"

"Rhythm and Heartfelt had three kids, and they often had company over... also Rhythm was one of the most successful musicians of his time, so of course he'd be living well," Flash explained.

"Hey, Haze!" Ray's voice called from behind. "Wanna look at Rhythm's studio?"

"I guess?" Haze peered around. "Is Chance with you?"

"He's in the studio."

"Show me the way," Haze told her.

On the way, they passed by framed photos on shelves. Haze looked at a photo of the mint green mare she had seen in Rhythm's memory, standing next to a blue stallion. She recognized the stallion from Ray's photo of Linkin Pony. He was older here, with grey starting to form in his blue and black mane. This must have been CharmingRhythm. He had a warm smile encircled by black and grey facial hair, and deep brown eyes. The mare next to him was shorter, and had a cute, crooked smile. His wife? What was the name Flash had mentioned?

In another photo was a young, sky blue stallion in a grey suit. He was standing next to an older, gorgeous white Unicorn with a swirling purple mane. Something about the photo told Haze that this wasn't a couple, but perhaps business partners. The younger Unicorn had the same dark brown eyes as CharmingRhythm, as well as black and brown hair, perhaps inherited from both Rhythm and his wife.

"You coming?" Ray said from somewhere further in the mansion.

"Yeah." Haze picked up her speed again.

She entered into what she assumed to be CharmingRhythm's studio. There were dusty instruments around the room, and paintings on the wall. Tattered blinds hung over the windows. GleamingChance was sitting in a chair behind a desk. In front of him was a lit computer screen, and below it were two different keyboards; one for music and one for typing. The white ceiling had large foam panels on it for soundproofing.

"Hey! Guess what! CharmingRhythm and HyperBlitz recorded singing here!" Ray claimed happily. Her metal hoof was pointing to a door which was just slightly open. It only looked like a dark closet.

Haze didn't respond, and instead stepped in front of a sofa. There were picture frames sitting on the large desk in front of her. She was standing behind Chance, who was scrolling through the computer files.

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