Chapter 1: Graduation

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"Good morning my little ponies," the voice of the overmare spoke pleasantly over the loudspeaker, echoing throughout the Stable. "We have a very special day today. A few of our training security guards are graduating today. If interested, you can view the ceremony at Celestial Hall, 11 o'clock sharp. I hope all of you have a wonderful time."

SwiftHaze hopped out of her bed. That meant her! Well, her and two other ponies. Haze spread her wings in excitement, which was abruptly diminished when her feathers hit the walls. Her wing had also managed to hit the open switch. The door slid open, and she was thankful for the extra space. Quickly, she put on her Stable suit and attached her PipBuck to her right foreleg.

Into the small kitchen area, SwiftHaze snagged something to eat. An apple and dried fruit bits... that were also made of apples. I can't wait to eat more than just apples, carrots and potatoes, she mused. Once she was done, she headed for the door to the hallway.

"Going out so early?" Her mother asked as she passed by. "You're graduation isn't for another three hours."

"I know that," SwiftHaze retorted. "I still need to pick up my uniform."

"You should wear something nice at the ceremony," her mom suggested. "Maybe a necklace, or a brooch."

Haze groaned. She wasn't a fan of jewelry.

"And you should brush your hair out nice-"

"I'll do all that when I get back!" Haze blurted out without even turning her head. She flipped the switch and cantered into the hallway.

As SwiftHaze was on her way down the hall, a different pony passed in the opposite direction. The orange stallion waved a hoof.

"Haze! See you at the party?"

"You know it!" Haze replied and waved back.

Haze was excited yet nervous about her own graduation party. She was sharing it with two other ponies enlisted in security training. Being around all her friends in a celebration seemed so fun, but... her mother would be there. Her mother always nosed into her personal life.

Haze attempted to distract herself from the subject. She brought up her PipBuck and used the end of her muzzle to scroll through the tabs. She found the Stable's local radio station. One of two. She placed an ear bud in one ear.

Currently, this one was in the middle of a song. It blared thrashing guitars and drums. Then it fell into the bridge, when a stallion sang aggressively. Haze shut it off quickly. She was growing so ear-sore to the songs that were constantly played over and over. The favorites, they claimed. Haze found most of them too brash; not necessarily bad, but they lacked diversity.

Instead, Haze switched her PipBuck to her music storage. She selected a different song, by the same band. Yet it played so differently. It opened with an atmospheric intro, which was followed by drawn out piano chords and then softly plucked guitar. The gentle voice of a stallion long gone began to sing. When the chorus came in, a different stallion's voice began, higher pitched, but more powerful.

I'm swimming in the smoke

Of bridges I have burned

Eyes glued to her PipBuck's screen, Haze didn't notice the mare coming towards her, until they bumped into one another. Haze glanced up in surprise. A ruby colored Earth Pony smiled back at her.

"Whatcha listening to?" She asked.

"How did you know I was listening to something?" Haze wondered.

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