Chapter 7: Hollow and Alone

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Exhaustion of the past two days came crashing down on SwiftHaze that night. When she woke up, she thought she had never slept so deeply before. She had already fallen asleep before SilverFlash met up with them again. Apparently he didn't sleep, and stayed on watch outside the inn.

Now, Haze still wanted to browse the market for supplies. GleamingChance showed her and Ray the way. Flash was following close by. Some ponies stopped to greet him. Haze wondered how he'd earned such a positive reputation in this town. Maybe it was a product of many decades of speaking with ponies here.

"I'll show you the best place to get armor," Chance was saying while leading the front.

"Do you think there's anything I could reinforce my current armor?" Haze wondered. "Like something I could put underneath?"

"Hmm, that might be a good idea," Chance thought aloud. "Your current armor is good at absorbing blunt force, but reinforced metal would protect you from bullets.

They walked up to a shop with an open front and no windows. It looked as if the wall had shutters which would close at night. In the back of the shop were workstations and stacks of metal. A light grey stallion greeted them inside.

"Ah, Chance, it's great to see you again."

"Hey, Cobalt. We're looking for some armor for my friends." Chance tilted his head in their direction.

"I need some metal reinforcements," Haze said.

"Hmm, security armor. Sure, I think I may have something for that. But... it looks like I'll have to compensate for some wings." As Cobalt trotted around a counter, he asked, "Have you ever thought of adding padding to your wings?"

"That sounds uncomfortable," Haze replied.

"Armor isn't meant to be comfortable- it's meant to protect," Cobalt pointed out.

"I'll consider it." Haze shrugged.

"What about me?" Ray spoke up.

Cobalt took a single glance at her and said, "Oh, you should be easy." His head dipped below the counter for a moment. He reappeared with a padded vest held in his teeth. He laid it on the counter in front of Ray. "Here you are my dear."

The grey Earth Pony returned to the back and searched around the workstations. He brought up some pieces of thin metal form into the shape of a chest piece and shoulder pads.

"Now, I'm going to have to fit you, and I could apply the metal to your armor, but the labor will cost extra."

"Oh,come on, Cobalt," Chance bargained. "Can't you give them a first time discount? They're new to the wasteland and could use all the help they can get." Cobalt seemed to consider that, and Chance continued. "I'll even give you the wonderglue needed to make Haze's armor - erm, that's the Pegasus."

Cobalt sighed. "Alright, Chance. But only because they're your friends. I'll do the assembly labor for free."

"You're awesome," Chance replied. He exchanged a smirk with Haze.

Once they had all of their armor equipped, they exited and found Flash conversing with a sentry.

"I'm not sure. All I'm saying is that we may need to investigate the bodies," Flash was saying as they approached.

"That's for mayor Vista to decide." The sentry shook his head.

"What?" Haze butted in.

"Politics you shouldn't get involved in," Flash warned.

"What bodies?" Haze urged.

"The raiders. They had some suspicious weapons," Flash informed. "Looks like they came from a specific group that's not in the greatest relation with South Gait."

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