Um!! I don't think so that Father would choose a doctor as my Bodyguard.
I am not that clumsy.

(A/n:- Are you sure about that Adhvi?😅 )

"Dhanvik do you even know how severe it can be? People die because of high fever. Also do you know that you never get the same type of cold, so this cold and fever I am going to have is totally different from the ones I had before, they are the new types of viruses, Oh my God!! That means they can be even more deadly, Oh! My great self, what am I going to do if it is some new type of virus, and what if it destroys my antibodies rather than the other way around. Hai Ram!! What if that affects my oesophagus and Lungs and then it may just attack my blood vessels and then my whole body, my whole precious organs, I am going to die slowly,my precious body which I looked after so dearly,I didn't even drink a sip of alcohol, only to not strain my Liver unnecessarily.. ... Oh My God KRISHNA.... " I was panicking the hell out, I was sweating profusely...
I felt weak and terrible.
I glanced at Dhanvik only to come face to face with a statue.....

As Dhanvik was rooted in his place, without blinking or even breathing?

He looked like a complete statue carved by Michelangelo, he had no absolute expression on his handsome face.

"Dhanvik? Dhanvik? DHANVIK!!" I yelled at him.
He flinched a little and shook his head as if to come out of some kind of trance.

"I never knew that a simple cold could do half of the things you said, and another half I didn't even understand to begin with." Dhanvik was mumbling to himself or me who knows...

Why is he behaving like some broken radio?
I tried moving towards him, but the ground beneath me moved along with me.
What the heck?

How on earth am I feeling the rotation of Earth so suddenly?or is it an earthquake?
I looked up and saw everything moving...
Why is everything mo--

That's when I felt myself slipping into darkness and loosing my consciousness before I could even complete my words...

Oh God!!or Yamraj!!
I am coming to you...
I am now going to be the late Great Adhvika Mahajan....



I saw Princess Adhvika loosing her consciousness, she was about to fall, but I hastily moved towards her and held her waist before she could fall flat on the floor.

I tapped her face, and hurriedly retreated my hand back..
Oh my goodness!!
She is burning!!
I was right, she was going to have fever, Ah!! she already has....
I shook my head at the over dramatic Princess and lifted her up in bridal style.

I placed her on her bed and called a maid to bring a Vaidya (doctor) urgently.

I hastily searched for a cloth and filled a bowl with water. I sat next to her and
placed the bowl on the table near the bed and dipped the cloth in it, and squeezed the extra water and finally placed it on her forehead.

I was repeating the same procedure from ten minutes or so, when a maid entered accompanied by an Old lady, whom I assumed as Raj vaidya (Royal Doctor).

I stood up and gave her my place so that she could examine the Princess.


After examining the Princess thoroughly, Raj vaidya said something to the Maids and asked them to bring that to her.

"She has high fever, it looks like she was stressed about something too, and her blood pressure seems to be low, that is the reason for her fainting. Also the fever may last a little longer than usual ones she has faced. I will give a Kashaya (Ayurvedic medicine) she has to drink it three times a day,till her fever lasts atleast. Also continue placing the cold cloth on her forehead. She will regain consciousness after some time." Raj vaidya explained and I nodded at her gratefully.

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