Chapter Twenty Eight: A Nomikos baptism by fire

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I nod "I won't ever" I promise, gazing into her deep blue eyes, and finding only attraction and desire radiating from her stare.

"Now let's go in...I'm starving" she grumbled, taking my hand as we walk up the path to the door. Before we can even step foot on the front step, the door is thrown open, and a large group of Greeks try and clamber over each other to grab her first. The chatter is deafening between them, and you can't hear anything anymore, nothing but the beautiful Greek words coming thick and fast, a bustling, elbows in stomachs kind of commotion.

"Willa" Maria calls in her friendly accent. "Ooh My My" she says coming first and grabbing Morgan's face. She squeezed her cheeks "Welcome Morgan" she greets "ooh such a beauty... I like this one Willa, oh yes" she says looking her over "she will do just fine" she adds, as if she is assessing her as a mail order bride.

Morgan looks sideways at me a little terrified of the others coming, one by one, looking her up and down "Perfect" Demi whispers admiring her hair and ear piercings "you are literally my dream girl, and I'm not even a smidge gay" she whispers. Calliope pushes her out the way, and sticks out her hand, but not waiting for a response she grabs her instead, taking her off of her feet "So good to finally meet you" she greets, releasing her.

Morgan finally takes a much needed breath, and smiles "Callie I've heard only good things"

Callie let's out a short and loud laugh. It catches Morgan off guard, and she jumps back slightly.

"All lies then" Callie admits, slapping my arm and allowing Teddy to push through from behind her.

"Hi Morgan" she says sticking out her fist.

Morgan looks to me unsure of what she was meant to do "fist bump" I remind her.

She looks relieved "oh yes" she says, and she turns back and bumps her fist into Teddy's.

"Oh my" Christos says "Willa you pick them good... she is something" he observes, lifting Morgan off her feet like Calliope had, and squeezing her before placing her back down with a large smile "any girl of Willa's is a friend of ours" he says, and he slaps my back, which makes me cough a little, he was impressed at my choice of girl.

Morgan laughs at my expense, before Thea and the Nomikos grandmother appear in front of her "oh hi" Morgan greets, but grandmother doesn't speak English, she just mutters some Greek and kisses Morgan's hand before going back inside. Grandmother Nomikos was dressed all in black, she had been in mourning for her husband for twenty years, and I had never seen her in anything but black.

"Hi" Thea said, looking Morgan up and down impressed "I didn't know Willa had it in her ... but damn Wills. I was wrong. I'm sorry"

I tilt my head in her direction "you are forgiven" I reply "although my confidence from your annihilation of my dating abilities has not recovered, and does not forgive you"

Thea rolls her eyes " I said you were attractive Willa...I just meant you couldn't possibly pull a twelve, not when you were an attractive eight with zero dating history, and really fucked up flirting techniques"

"Her flirting is pretty terrible, I agree" Morgan adds, jumping on the bandwagon.

"Hey" I say hitting her arm jovially "don't join in"

"Willa you are a terrible flirt" she confesses.

I look at her, open mouthed "well" I say, forcing it shut "Then I'm not sure how I hooked up with such a twelve" I retort, one eyebrow cocked.

Willa Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang