Making pizza!

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A few days ago, Wheatley and you talked about cooking something together when you had the idea to make some pizzas, and today's the day! As you waited for him to arrive, you started to prepare some things and make room in the kitchen. Since you didn't have everything at home already, you asked Wheatley to bring some stuff along, and he happily agreed to do so. So here you are, sitting on a chair in the kitchen and waiting for your lover.

Soon enough, you heard the doorbell ring and ran over to open the door. He quickly put down the bag he was carrying and you ran into his arms, hugging him tightly as he picked you up and twirled around with you. Laughter of happiness and love filled the house. After letting go, you ushered him inside, excited to start with the pizzas.

"So, luv.. what's the first step?", Wheatley asked, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed while you sorted out the things from the bag he brought with him. "Well.. first, we start with the dough, so we'll neeeed..". You counted up everything in your head, before pointing at the ingredients: "Flour, a bit of water, salt, oil and yeast". Wheatley nodded, and while you prepared the counter, he brought all the necessary items from the table. Both of you followed the steps from the recipe, each of you making your own dough for your very own pizza. That's when you had an idea: "Hey! We should try something". That sparkled Wheatley's interest, and he stopped kneading the dough, looking at you while you continued, "Why not make some heart-shaped pizzas instead of round ones?? I mean, we can form the dough the way we want to, right?". His eyes light up: "Why not?? Sounds cute to me. Let's do it, luv! Hope it turns out well and it doesn't fall apart in the oven or something; I mean, I don't want you to be sad and-". You kissed his cheek, and he promptly stopped rambling and gave you a small, embarrassed smile and nod. "I'm sure they'll turn out great", you reassured him before he put his arm around your waist and kissed your temple: "You're right. The most important thing is that they'll be edible", he chuckled.

A while later, both of you had formed the dough into a heart shape and decorated it with your favorite ingredients. Tomato sauce and cheese for the base. Wheatley put some mushrooms and corn on his and you put [favorite pizza topping(s)] on yours. They looked absolutely delicious. While you washed your hands, Wheatley put both pizzas into the oven, and now all you had to do was patiently wait. As you took a peek into the oven, your stomach started growling. All this pizza making got you really excited to try them, but now you had to wait. And while 10 minutes didn't seem like much, when you desperately wait for something, time suddenly slows down. Wheatley chuckled, seeing you kneeling down in front of the oven. "C'mon love, why don't we go to the living room while we wait?". You reluctantly agreed, tearing your eyes away from the delicious food in the oven, and joined Wheatley on the couch. He was sitting in one corner and opened his arms and you happily sat down as well, hugging him. You shifted around for a while before you finally got comfortable. "Did we set a timer?", you asked while taking out your phone from your pocket. "I did earlier. 10 minutes, right?", he answered, holding you close. You nodded, and for the next 10 minutes, you both spent together scrolling through TikTok and laughing at all the funny videos you saw. And before you knew it, 10 minutes were already over.

You jumped up from the couch and ran to the oven, Wheatley joining you soon after. You took a peek inside. They were ready! "Here, let me do it. I don't want you to accidentally burn yourself," Wheatley offered, taking a step towards the open oven". You gave him the oven gloves and he carefully took out both pizzas, putting them on the counter. While he turned off the oven, you carefully put both on two different plates and took a picture before cutting them, smiling happily as you did. "They look so cute! It was a good idea to form them like this, luv", Wheatley praised you, giving you a small kiss on the head. "Come on already, I wanna try them!", you ran to the living room with both plates. Wheatley laughed and joined you with two glasses and a bottle of [favorite drink]. Putting everything down on the coffee table, both of you got comfortable on some cushions on the ground. You put on a movie and then it was finally time to try the pizzas. And not a moment later, after biting off, you squirmed in excitement: "Those are so good!!", you exclaimed, Wheatley's eyes lighting up, nodding in agreement as he was still chewing his huge bite. After he finished, he gently kissed you and gave you a hug: "Making pizzas was a wonderful idea. Thank you for showing me how to", he said with a smile. You leaned your head against his shoulder, and you both spent the rest of the evening eating pizzas and watching a few movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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