Boat Trip at Night

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Not far from where you lived, there was a little harbour with some small boats of people around, mostly older men who liked going fishing on the weekends. You had owned a little boat there too and every now and then you liked just going out into the sea and stay there, enjoying the view.

You did tell Wheatley about it too. It was one of your hobbies after all, and he was always interested in knowing all your hobbies and the things you like to do. It always put a smile on your face to have someone like him around to always cheer you up and show severe interest in your likes and dislikes. You feel save around him and more happy ever since you met him.
You could tell he was getting excited when you told him about this specific hobby of yours. It was something he didn't do before and he was always excited about trying out new things and finding new hobbies, especially with you. So you offered him to do a little boat trip together to which he immediately replied with a yes. In the afternoon you packed up some stuff like snacks, drinks and for yourself a bathing suit since you thought you might wanna jump into the water but you weren't quite sure yet. You knew that Wheatley would prefer to stay in the boat since deep water made him a little uncomfortable.

After packing all your stuff, you told him that you were ready and he ran up to you to give you a big hug. You were quite surprised and laughed, hugging him back. "What was that for??", you asked him, still chuckling at his action. "Oh, just, you know- I thought I might give you a hug. I like giving you hugs, because it feels nice and- Did you know that hugging can lower ones stresslevel and-", he stopped himself, looking a little embarrassed. "I did it again, didn't I-", he asked, covering half his face with his hand. "What, your cute little rants? Yep". He started blushing and you got a good laugh out of it. "Come on, let's go now. Oh and here!". You tightly put your arms around him once again and he gladly accepted your hug and was holding you in his tight embrace.

Later you arrived at the little harbour and while you jumped into the boat, you were searching for some technical stuff in some boxes that you kept there to get the motor going. It had been a while after all since you last used it and you might need to refill the tank. While you were busy doing that, Wheatley offered to help you and got the bags you took a long inside the boat, securing them in a corner. He looked at you and realized you were struggling a little. "You need help there, love?", he asked, sitting close to you in case you needed some help. "I'm just trying to get the motor starting- This thing is a little old after all and I haven't used it in quite a while too..", you replied, concentrated on your task. He nodded in acceptance and decided to just hand you some stuff and not interfere with your work. "You'll figure this out, love. You're smart after all", he said, trying to encourage you. It made your stomach feel warm and funny and you couldn't help but smile, especially after seeing him grinning brightly to cheer you up.

After some time you finally got it. "Yes!", you exclaimed, happy that you figured it out. "Hey, that's great! I'm proud of you!". He stood up to give you another hug and you happily accepted. After some time you both were off, him sitting in the front, amazed by everything that he saw around him and you at the back, stearing the boat with what little skill you had left. Everything was going quite well and after a little time you came to a stop. Now you both were surrounding by nothing but the deep blue ocean, miles and miles away from any land. "You okay?", you asked your partner, since you haven't seen his face ever since you started this little journey. He turned around to face you "It's amazing!", he yelled out and you started laughing. You thought it was so cute when he was getting excited over little things like that. "So, you like it?", you asked him, half grinning. "I love it-", he answered, looking around himself once again. While he was busy examining his surroundings, you switched into your bathing suit since you got the urge to dive into the water. After getting changed, you gave Wheatley a little peck on the cheek and jumped into the water. Surprised, he turned around to look for you. "Love?". He didn't quite see from where you jumped in and where you even were at the moment. "Y/N??". He leaned over the edge of the boat and tried to look into the water. Since it was nighttime tho, this was a much harder task to handle. But then you popped your head out yourself, taking a few deep breaths and laughing. It was nice to be in the water again, you missed it a lot. "You scared me there for a second!", he exclaimed, sounding a little mad but very relieved at the same time. "Oh, come ooon, I can handle this, you goofball", you giggled. "I mean, yeah, I obviously know that- You're smart and strong and I don't doubt that- But first of all, this is the first time I am even here, I have no idea where we are!! And second of all- I just care about you and I don't want anything to happen to you, okay??". Trying to defend himself, like he was accused of something, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and pouted a little. You smiled at him. "I care about you too", you replied.

After some time of you swimming around and him admiring you, you got back into the boat and into some warm clothes. In the meantime, Wheatley was eating some of the strawberries you had packed for the trip. "These are so good-", he said and you nodded in acceptance. "I bet". He sat down more on the side so you could sit next to him. Laying your head on the ground, you started looking up into the nightsky and the countless of little starts filling it. He did the same and layed down next to you. "It's beautiful here..", he spoke, breaking the silence between you both. "It is", you replied, cuddling close to him for comfort. He securely put an arm around you and held you close. "I hope you liked the day". "I did- It was amazing", he said, happy to be here with you to which you smiled. "We should do this more often-", he continued and you nodded. "Of course". He gave you a little kiss on the forehead and looked you lovingly in the eyes.
The nice day ended with both of you cuddling and holding hands, looking at the beautiful and clear nightsky.

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