Comfort after a nightmare

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It was about 3 AM in the middle of the night, when you started having a nightmare. It potentially got worse and worse until the point, where you woke up, screaming in tears. It took you a few moments to realize that you were now fully awake and alone in your room. You reached over to your little lamp on your nightstand and turned it on. Sitting on your bed, you hugged your pillow in comfort, taking in a few deep breaths. Your heartbeat went back to normal and you wished away your tears with your sleeve.

After a while you had enough, stood up and went to your living room, to have a small change of environment. Turning on the lights, you plopped down onto your couch and took another deep breath. Starting to feel a lot better and calmer you layed down on your couch, staring at the ceiling. You dimmed down your LED lights and got lost in your thoughts.
One thing that you really liked doing was daydreaming and that's what you did at the moment as well. About 15 minutes later you felt your eyelids become heavier and turned off your lights, thinking you'll be able to fall asleep again. But as soon as you layed there in complete darkness, you couldn't stop thinking about your nightmare again. It was something about your biggest fear and you didn't feel comfortable going back to sleep yet.

After another attempt of trying to fall asleep and failing, you turned on your lights again and grabbed your phone. Spending time on Social Media for a while bored you out a little, so you went to your gallery instead, swiping through your old photos with friends and familiy.
A few of them were with your friend, Wheatley. You both were really close to each other, being able to talk about anything and just feel comfortable in the presence of one another. A part of you thought it might be a good idea to text him and ask him for help. Maybe he could distract you for a little while. But then again, it was 3:30 AM in the middle of the night. Chances were high he wasn't even awake at this time. But something inside of you just wanted to text him. You wanted to talk to him, doesn't matter if in person or just through text.

Typing out your text, you hit the send button:
"Hey, Wheatley
You there?"
Apart of you didn't expect an answer, when all of the sudden your phone vibrated, signalizing you that you had a new message incoming. You went into the chat once again.

"What's up, luv?"

It was a nickname he has given you months ago, and even tho it was a bit awkward at first, you got used to it now and even liked it. It made you feel special.

"Are you free to talk? I feel a bit lonely.. Had a nightmare- :("

"Nightmare? Is this keeping you awake this late? Wait, give me 5 minutes, I'll come over."

That wasn't were you wanted to go. A simple call would've been enough too, but now he's making his way over to your house. You tried to tell him that it's okay and he doesn't have to, but he insisted on coming over. You gave up on trying to convince him. Once he had put his mind to something, it's not easy to convince him otherwise.

A while later you heard a knock on your door. You went to open up and saw who you were expecting anyways, but seeing him in person like this still made you happy. Both of you sat down on the couch and he asked you how your day went. You knew he just wanted to distract you, but that was literally what you wanted too, so you told him about your day, asking about his afterwards in return. While talking about his day, he offered to make you a warm beverage but you didn't want to be a bigger bother. I mean, he just came all the way over to your house, just because you had a nightmare. But once again, he insisted, and you couldn't deny that a warm [favorite beverage] did sound lovely just now, so you nodded in agreement and he went to the kitchen. You wanted to follow him but instead you were told to stay on the couch and relax for the time being.

After a while he came back, handing you your wished [favorite hot beverage]. It immediately warmed up your hands and made you feel nice and loose. Taking a few sips, you had an ongoing talk with Wheatley, talking about all kinds of things.
A while later you put your drink on the coffee table and a yawn escaped your mouth. Without realizing how tired you actually were, you were already embraced in a warm hug. Not even able to comprehend it correctly from how tired you were, you let things go as they were going. You closed your eyes and Wheatley gently stroked your back, leaving you even more tired and ready to fall asleep any moment now.

And after a while of him hugging you tightly and you not fighting against the tiredness anymore, you ended up comfortably falling asleep.
Wheatley smiled at the sight of you. He gently brushed your hair out of your face. "So cute..", the thought to himself and after a while of enjoying to be able to hold you protectively like that, he carried you to your bed, tucking you in. Before leaving, he gave you a little peck on the forehead, turned off the lights and whispered: "Good night, my love.."

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