Chapter 3

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Double star lines indicates change in POV.

Addison wasn't sure how she did it but she had managed to make herself sleep. The fact that she was sleeping at Meredith's house, at her soulmate's house kept her awake for much longer than she would've liked. Even when she had slept the notion of it in addition to memories of their past hadn't left her alone. Dream after dream were haunted by those baby blue eyes, by her smile, by her voice, by her.

By the brightness coming through her closed eyelids she knew it was morning already. She frowned, feeling heavy, she wanted to sleep. She had purposely not set an early alarm so that she could sleep in a little longer. So why was she awake? The giggles and the tiny fingers on her hip. Her hip!

Opening her eyes quickly made her slightly squint as the sunlight came through the windows. She found the source of the giggles immediately, little Ellis. The blonde girl looked at her with a wide grin, her small hand still resting on her hip. Giggling, she spoke and Addison felt her mouth dry up quickly.

"You are her."

"E-Ellis, hi."

"You have a red feather like Momma."

"I uh..."

"You're Momma's soulmate!"

"Shhhh." Addison said quickly and covered the girl's mouth. "Ellis, how about another ice cream party? And this time we make sure you're there the whole time. Plus we can play catch. Did you know I used to play softball?"

The little girl nodded excitingly and she saw some light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe.

"One condition though."

"What? I'll do it all Addie."

"You need to keep my mark a secret. Can you do that?"


"Because it's a game. How long can a superstar keep a secret?"

"That's a game?" The girl frowned, completely unconvinced.

"Yep. But it's an ultra secret game. Only a few people can play."

"Does everyone get ice cream parties?"

"Only if they win."



"Addie! Come on! Pancakes!" She heard Amelia call from down the stairs.

"Momma's making pancakes!" Ellis said happily.

"Ellis," Addison said, taking her hand before she ran out. "Remember the game, ok?"

Ellis only smiled and drew an imaginary zipper with her fingers across her mouth. Addison smiled and did the same. As she watched the little girl scamper off she prayed to whatever higher power that existed that the little girl did in fact keep her secret. However, in the back of her head a little voice kept whispering that her secret would be out before too long.



Meredith was almost done with the second batch of pancakes, which were supposed to be her guest's favorites. She remembered when Mark had mentioned something about Addison and mini pancakes with cinnamon. For some reason it was the first thing she had ever actually wanted to learn how to make. It was easy, really, but with her amazing prowess in the kitchen it took her forever to figure it out, even with Mark's help when she'd had it. Now, after so long making them she was a master.

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