Chapter 1

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Everyone has their marks. Distinct features that separate them from everyone else. Something that makes them unique; sets them apart. The color of their eyes or hair. The shape of their nose or mouth. The musculature of their body. In actuality, there are many things that set people apart. However, there is one thing. One mark. A mark that can take many shapes. A flower. A snowflake. The moon or the sun. It can have many hues. Be anywhere. A mark that also separates you from almost everyone. One that completely sets you apart but ties you together at the same time. A mark you share with only one person. The person you're destined to have by your side. The person to whom you can belong. The person that can belong to you. The person whose love could change it all. Your soulmate. Your other half. A kindred spirit. They share that mark with you, same shape and hue, somewhere in their body. Somewhere linking you both together, forever .

The thing about soulmates is that they're hard to find. Amongst the vast amounts of people in the world to find that one person can be an ever elusive goal. Some people are lucky and they've had them close to them forever, discovering their marks soon enough. Others never see each other at all, all they know is that they're out there, somewhere. But then there are those who've had their person there all along but have never had the chance to find out who they truly are. Thus aimlessly wandering the world being so close yet so far.


Their moment in the elevator had been... heavy. Everything she had been feeling the whole day had poured out in one big wave of pain and tears. Something she hadn't meant to have done in front of Meredith Grey. However, talking to her, letting go of everything with her, and listening to her words had left her lighter, calmer, happier. Meredith had always had something. Something that drew her in. The same 'something' that had never allowed Addison to hate her. Even with everything that had happened before. She had something. Sometimes she wondered what it was but she could never figure it out. She supposed some people just have that one thing that makes them indispensable.

The interns watching from through the glass of the double doors at the far end of the hall seemed to snap her away from her thoughts. She sent an icy glare and chuckled as they scurried off. It felt good, still having the ability to instill enough fear to clear a room.

"Here we are." Meredith chirped opening the door to the attending's lounge.

"Those interns are something."

"Trust me I know."

"Reminds me of a certain group." Addison smirked while the blonde turned to look at her.

"What?" Meredith scoffed. "Us? We weren't like that."

"No. You may have been worse."

"No way." Meredith frowned skeptically. "Were we really?"

"Need I remind you-"

"The l-vad wasn't me." Meredith defended before she was even able to continue.


"Well... fine." Meredith rolled her eyes and she couldn't help but laugh, catching a glimpse of that young intern she had once been. "What?" The blonde attending asked with a smile.

"Nothing. Just reminiscing. Can't help it. Looking at you makes me even feel proud."

"What? I grew up to be some bright surgeon?"

"Not some, one of the brightest surgeons and I happen to have taught you a thing or two too."

"True." Meredith chuckled. "You did tell me to be great."

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