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"Mikey!!" Emma shakes her brother as she try to wake him up. "You can't just sleep for the whole day just because it's weekend!!"

Manjiro turns his back against the blond female. He covers his face with his blanket and attempts to go back to sleep and continue his dreams. He knows that Emma will soon give up and let him have his way.

"Just because I'm not Draken, doesn't mean you can ignore me," Emma pulls the blanket away from him. "Come on! It's important."

Irritated, Mikey sits up and glares at his sister. It would be no use either since he wouldn't understand anything, considering that his mind is still asleep. Nevertheless, Emma smiles because she won over Mikey this time.

"Let's prepare a surprise for-" Emma couldn't finish what she was saying.

The latter immediately runs behind the door when she heard an aggressive knocking. Of course, she locked it but she knows Izana can break the door if he wants to. Mikey, on the other hand, lies back on his bed and returns to sleep.

"Oi, Mikey! Open this!" Izana doesn't stop banging the door. "I'll kick your door open if you don't! You motherfucker!"

Emma facepalms herself, slowly unlocking it before trying to modulate her voice into somewhat like Mikey. It doesn't sound like him tho.

"Turn the knob, idiot!" Emma pretends to be her brother. "You're ruining my sleep."

Izana stops pounding the door and uses the knob to open it as he was told. He sighs and rolls his eyes before opening it harshly, oh poor Emma, and rushing to Mikey. Due to his excitement to whatever it is, he didn't notice his sister or even cared about who unlocked and who spoke earlier. He uses his foot to shake his brother's body.

"Give me your keys," Izana commands as if he's a boss or someone. "I have plans."

"Stop being loud!!!" Mikey screams. He puts his hands on his ears and shuts his eyes.

"I said, I'll use your motorcycle!" Izana shouts on Mikey's ear.

"I'll punch you to death if you don't stop," Mikey glares at his brother. "Why don't you look for it?"

"No. Get up and give me your keys," Izana leans back, and poses in an arrogant way with his hands inside his pockets.

"Emma, it's up there," Mikey deadpans at him and points on the cabinet beside the door. "Beside my box of dorayaki. Reach it for him."

"Fuck you," Izana cusses and waits for Emma to come out of wherever she is since he didn't notice her from the start.

Emma slowly reveals herself while caressing her arm that was hit by the knob. She approaches the cabinet Mikey was talking about and extends her other arm to reach the top. Since she can't feel the keys, she tiptoes and tries to reach further.

Izana sighs, walking towards her. He, as well, tiptoes to reach the furthest he can, he even touched the end of the cabinet, but no luck, he can't feel it too. And so, he decides to grab the box of dorayaki and threaten Mikey.

"Don't you dare!" Mikey shouts, getting up on his bed. He throws his keys, which are under his pillow, on Izana. "Just be back before night. I have plans too."

"You made me walk here, when you already have-"

"I knew you are going to borrow it so I slept with it duh," Mikey stretches his arms as he stand up from his bed. "What's for breakfast, Emma?"

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