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I'm back. Sorry for taking too long.
It's hard to find a motivation but
I remembered that I have some
readers that actually like my story.
Btw, I'm ending this book in few more
chapters. I promise to give my best in
making the ending!!


"So, what are you planning?" Yumeri asks, watching her best friend munch on the taiyakis she bought.

"What do you think? Find him, of course," Mikey simply replies, trying to weigh the options he has. He seems unsure about his decision but Izana matters more to him.

"What if you go missing?" Yumeri worries about what Takemichi told them during their picnic. "Should we come with you?"

"You're going to leave (L/N) behind?" Mikey fills his mouth with his food, his way to cope with stress. "I can do this on my own."


"No," Mikey immediately refuses, his voice muffled. "Trust me, Yumeri. I'm aware of the future Takemichi is talking about. He's been doing everything since day one and now, it's my turn to fix everything. I won't let things fall into the bad side."

"I just can't stop worrying. It's much assured if you leave with someone—"

"Izana doesn't trust anyone right now. That's why he escaped. I need to do this alone so he knows that I don't mean harm."

"How about (N/N)-chan? You can leave with her—"

"Here, Yumeri," Mikey aggressively puts a taiyaki on her mouth to shut her up. "I know you want to eat too."

"I hate you," Yumeri says, muffled. She rolls her eyes and shifts her gaze while chewing the food in her mouth. "You never listen to me."

"This is the last time," Mikey becomes serious again. "I don't want to lose someone again."


"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" Chifuyu asks, gently closing the door. "I'll look after him, you can go home."

"I just talked to his parents," you say, sighing. "His mother will come back before midnight."

"What did they say?"

"What else? I got scolded big time," you scratch your head then lean on the wall. "They asked me why would we do something reckless. I bet they would make Takemichi leave Toman after he gets discharged."

Chifuyu scoffs. "It's not like it's the first time Takemichi got beaten up."

"Yeah, but it's definitely the first time he got tortured," you shake your head aggressively, groaning because of stress. "I'll beat you up, Izana! Don't you ever come back!"

"Shh," Chifuyu places his index finger on his pouting mouth. "Don't say things that you don't mean."

"I'm just frustrated. I got over with my worries, now I have to deal with stress. Tomorrow, we'll start searching for him again. Ugh, I swear to swoop your ass, Izana."

"Did Mikey-kun give you instructions yet? I haven't talk to him since earlier."

"Should I wait for his instructions? Of course, even without his command, we should search for that brat."

"What if Mikey-kun has a plan?"

"Oh," you mentally slap yourself. "I didn't think about that. Okay, let's just ask him tomorrow."

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