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"Hey!" you flinch with the loud noise.

As expected, it's none other than Yumeri, the loudest of all. She barges in without knocking, as if she's entering her own domain. You look at her sitting on your couch comfortably. Her legs are crossed and she is raising her left eyebrow.

To your surprise, it's not only Yumeri. Mikey came along with her. The guy is hugging a paper bag with...  probably dorayaki inside. He, as well, is seated on the sofa beside his best friend. It looks like Yumeri bribed Mikey to come with her.

"What?" you simply ask, finishing whatever you were doing. You walk towards them and sit across Mikey.

"What about Takemichi and Izana?" Yumeri crosses her arms as well. "Do you know about it?"

You nod and sigh, prepared for what's coming. The reason why you kept it from her is half intentional and half unintentional. You didn't purposely hid it because you forgot to inform her. You were too occupied thinking about it that you didn't realize she doesn't know anything about it. It's half intentional because she would've probably spill it to Izana if she knew.

"How could you not tell me?!" of course, this is exactly what you expected. "Did you know, that Takemichi is probably dead by now?"

"What do you mean? I didn't punch him," you are confused.

"It's just my gut, but it's strong. I can't be wrong about this."

"She thinks Izana heard everything from Takemitchy," Mikey butts in.

"Why don't we check on him then?" Yumeri says, frowning.

"I don't want to come with you anymore," Mikey attempts to escape but Yumeri grabs his arm. "Oh, come on! I just want to eat these in peace!"

"I am not sure, Yume-chan. Maybe you're overreacting. I don't think Izana would do such things. Plus he didn't mention Takemichi yesterday."

"Oh, so you're on a mission to observe him?!" Yumeri's face is becoming so red, she looks like an angry emoji. "Why am I not involve? Why are you so mean? I want to have a mission too."

"Because we don't want a megaphone on our team," Mikey bursts into laughter with your response.

"I hate you," Yumeri pouts. "I just want to help."

"We haven't done anything yet, Yume-chan. Stop with that face. You're getting uglier."

"I'm mad," she informs.

"We can see that," you reply. "Thanks for informing. Now, if you don't have anything to say, you can both go home."

"Thank you!" Mikey cheers.

"No! Let's just... Let's visit Takemichi-kun," Yumeri whines. "Please? I just want to make sure."

"I'm going home," Mikey.

"Michael, we don't know where he lives!" Yumeri.

Mikey groans. "Ugh, fine! But you're going to ride with her. I don't want you in my babu anymore."


Without even asking if you want to come with them, you are dragged down to your shared motorcycle. You just closed the door and didn't lock it. Yumeri said she just wanted to check up on Takemichi so you thought she wouldn't be long.

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