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Thank you for the reads and votes, mina-san!! I wish for you to have a wonderful day and make sure to have fun reading. Happy Holidays ( ◜‿◝ )♡


"They say food is the best way to win a man's heart, right?" Emma said with a hint of excitement on her voice.

"Nope, a knife would be enough," you replied, uninterested.

"I'm planning to cook for Draken. What do you think?" she continued, ignoring your response.

"You already won, Emma. Draken loves you, you know," Yumeri joined.

"What about we cook for all of them?" Hina suggested which made you all look at her with confused faces.

"Them?" you three asked in chorus.

"Takemichi, Draken, Mikey and Izana," she smiled. "Let's all have a picnic. It would be a great quadruple date!"

"I'm in," Emma excitedly said.

"Why would I date Izana? I think he hates me. He always avoid me," Yumeri pointed out.

Hina mentally faced palmed herself out of disappointment. "Yeah, why would you date him?" she sighed, before turning to you, "Choose a venue for us, mkay?"

"Why am I getting involved? I didn't sign up for that," you replied.

"Come on, don't be such a kill joy," Hina whined.

"You don't understand, Hina-chan. It's different for us. Izana hates me and (N/N)-chan isn't that close with Mikey-" Yumeri paused for a second before coming back to her senses. "Oh, so you meant I will cook for Mikey and she will cook for Izana?"

"You should've realize that earlier," Emma commented.

"Okay, I'm in!" Yumeri happily announced. "I'm gonna cook something for Mikey, yes." she silently laughed in an evil way.

"I won't join because Izana wouldn't come," you reasoned.

"You can make him come tho," Emma tilted her head. "He obeys you."

"I haven't seen him for long, I think he's avoiding me."

"What? Is he avoiding everyone?" Hina asked.

"Then Mikey will invite him," Yumeri said. "Once, when Mikey asked Izana to do something for him, Izana didn't even complain. I tried asking him too but that didn't work. They seem to be close now, so maybe Mikey can make him come?"

"Did you two fight?" Emma asked.

You thought for a second. "Yes but no. Last time we talked, he was a bit angry but I thought it was fine because he let me go after that."

"Ohh~ Lovers' quarrel, I like that," Hina commented.

You clicked your tongue before speaking. "It's nothing like that. But yeah, when I woke up, he was gone."

"You slept together?!" Emma suddenly raised her voice.

"No. He just slept in my house," you replied calmly.

𝙃𝙊𝙈𝙀 // Izana x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz