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The Sun started to peek from the clouds and was almost ready to take its job. The golden rays were slowly and steadily spreading through the sky and the buildings. The water was glittering under the golden rays and increasing its beauty. Peeking through the huge window of Malhotra Mansion the rays fell on Manik's handsome face disturbing his not so peaceful sleep. His face stirred and he scrunched his nose, placing a pillow on his face he tried to drift back to sleep yet he couldn't. After some time he gradually stood and strolled towards his closet choosing a set of white tee and blue denim and he walked back to the bathroom. Having a cold shower for an hour he felt a little fresh. Reaching down at dining he saw his friends and his dad waiting for him.

Ronit Roy as Raj Malhotra

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Ronit Roy as Raj Malhotra


hey decided to first meet Manik's dad i.e. Raj Malhotra. He went and took his place beside his dad. Greeting everyone he started his breakfast. Everyone were having breakfast when Mr. Raj spoke,
"Manik I hope you're taking good care of yourself..??"
Manik nodded and a "yes" mumbled from his lips. Everyone watched the duo.

C- uncle actually we wanted to visit the Pune farmhouse. We want some fresh air. We all need it before our official launch as a band.

Raj- sure Cabir y'all can go there. But before that I have something to tell you all. So everyone gather in the garden.

Everyone nodded. They weren't going to ask questions to Mr. Raj regarding the matter they know eventually he will tell. But they were curious. Silently they had breakfast and parted their ways towards their rooms. Taking their instruments for jamming. The garden of Malhotra Mansion was peaceful. Everything felt fresh. The air blew and the flowers danced according to the tune of the air. The variety of flowers in the garden made everyone spend their whole life here. The smile grew on their faces as they saw how peaceful the surroundings were. They saw Mr. Raj seated on a tea table which was big enough for all of them to be seated. A white vase with red and yellow roses looking elegant was placed with a few bunch of newspapers, articles, etc. The garden gleaned under the Sun. The dew on petals of flowers shown like pearls. The glittering droplets dripped down the leaves and few dancing on the petals caught their attention which made their hearts flutter. Mr. Raj coughed to gain their attention which was a successful attempt. He asked everyone to sit and relax.

Everyone could see that Mr. Malhotra was quite disturbed which means whatever he was gonna state was serious and may or may not help them to relax. The tension was present in the air making everybody glance at each other.

M- dad what's the matter..?? You know right you can say us..

Raj- actually Manik I- I have a confession to make.

He sighed visibly.

M- yes dad. What's it..??

"Manik when my dad, that's your grandfather started the business "The Malhotra Industries" he was pressured for a few things he didn't want to do. Manik was a hardworking man. He has started from the start. Not without him making those efforts this company could reach so high. But then there was this one person who forced my dad to sell drugs and do all illegal things that dad didn't wanted to. Dad rejected his offer many a times. He was loyal and hated doing things that were illegal. This man forced dad but dad was adamant can never took their offers. During those days Malhotra Industries was very much in fame. We stated to gain investors and people started to trust us. Dad didn't wanted people to entrust him and the company. So he rejected their offers. But he didn't knew that this matter would lead him to something and someone else. One day when dad was returning from company it was late night and few people surrounded dad's car and kidnapped him. Making him unconscious and took him somewhere we didn't knew. After a week when dad came back he was something else. He was quiet for a long time. But as he grew old he knew he couldn't hide things and that I should about him some day. That's when one fine day dad called me in his study and told me that he is now mafia king. I was shocked but when he told how and what lead him into this I understood him and I took over his place after he left this world. The day when got kidnapped it was by this person who was underworld king his name was Ajay but he changed as Bane. When dad got kidnapped they locked him for a day and Bane I e. Ajay tortured him to accept his deals but when he crossed his limits dad took a gun shot him to death. Dad never wanted to do that but eventually it took place and he couldn't get back for what he had done. He was the one cops have been finding them for ages. He was known as "Snake's King" and the group is called "The Royals". Dad took some time to recover from what he had done. But the second he shot Bane his men bowed to dad accepting him as their new boss or king. But Manik, even being a mafia dad and I never did anything illegal or killed any innocent." Mr. Malhotra explained.

Vimarsh Roshan as Ajay aka Bane

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Vimarsh Roshan as Ajay aka Bane

Everyone was shocked but being grown up and matured enough they understood everything. "Dad, it's ok. We understand but why are you telling us all this..??" Asked Manik.

"Manik, you and your friends have to take care of all this. Manik I wasn't here for some time but when I came back I saw that there are certain people who are stalking you. I have tried everything but I couldn't find who it actually is. See Manik it's for your safety i want you to visit our bases and know all about our business of mafia. Please". Requested Mr. Malhotra
"Dad, I will do what you want me to do. But dad, can you tell me about Nyonika?" Questioned Manik.

"Manik, I don't know about Nyonika. I don't know why she behaves like that. When you took birth she was the one who was the happiest. She did so many things when she was pregnant. She decorated your room with her own hands. Everything that she did for you was.. even I couldn't do all that. Manik Nyo wasn't like this ever. She was very sweet, caring and a lovely lady. I don't know what happened to her. I left you and her in Mumbai because I had to come here. Some issues took place and I had to make a base here. I couldn't return back. Then suddenly when I got to know about Nyonika's changed behaviour I spoke to her but she never told me." Explained Raj.

"Dad, does she know about you being in this??"

"Manik I -

He couldn't even completed when he was instructed,

"I know Raj"

Turning around, everyone saw Nyonika standing in the garden. She walked closer to all of them. They were shocked to see tears in her eyes. They only know one Nyonika who was a cold-hearted and self-centered woman. She never shows her emotions. An emotionless woman like Nyonika who had tears was something they couldn't see in their lives. Nyonika wasn't actually like how she shows or everyone sees her. But she was a masked woman. She always wears a mask that the Nyonika world knows. None ever tried to look behind the mask. How she actually was.. whether she actually cared or not..

"Raj I knew everything. The day when dad told you about this he even told me. He always treated me like his daughter. I couldn't forget those days. How happy I was. When I wasn't needed to mask my feelings and be happy without any hesitation".

Lmao story took a twist I didn't knew I was going to add this mafia thing in this but eventually I did. Duh what can I do now 🙄

I hope you enjoy
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Stay safe
Stay happy
Love u all.

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