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Hello readers. Firstly I'm extremely sorry for delaying this update. Secondly I fucking missed u all. Lastly I promise to give you all next update as soon as possible.

Happy reading.
Inline comments are love.

I know that last chapter was somewhat too much but I want my readers to know that it was an important part in the book. Where Nandini's hands brushes with Manik's. This scene is very filmy but it's very important.

Dr's cabin.
All were seated and were waiting for Dr to say something about Manik's condition. Though everyone was shocked with the information that Manik have been having panic attacks since his childhood and they didn't had a freaking idea about it.

Dr- firstly I wanna ask you'll whether anyone have you been knowing about panic attacks...??

Everyone nodded in no and put their heads down.

Dr- it's ok. No need to feel guilty about that. It happens that few people don't intend to tell about their panic attacks to others. Since Mr. Malhotra says that he is having these attacks since childhood then their should be something that triggers him. Can you tell me about his childhood..?? If Mr. Malhotra doens't object..??

Ca- Dr actually Manik's mom she has never been looking over to Manik. Since childhood Manik have grown all alone. It's in 7th grade we four met him. Untill then he was all alone.

Dr- what about senior Mr. Malhotra. I mean Manik's dad.

Ca- he lives in Pune. He never visited Manik. It's always Manik who goes there to meet his dad. Since they were issues going on between Mrs. Malhotra I mean Manik's mom and his dad. Manik's dad never came to Manik. After Manik's birth he left him with his mother knowing that she will take care of him. Since a mother is important part in a child's life. Little did he knew that Manik's mom would not take care of him. He left and and shifted to Pune with his business. Manik studied in boarding school. And I think you have knowledge about how life in boarding school goes. Not in any holidays Manik went to his home. He used to come with us to our houses. And we don't have any idea about these attacks. Manik never mentioned about it. And he never had a attack when we were around.

Dr- no worries young man. He is talking about someone Nandini. What about her..?? He says that he didn't had any attacks since she entered in his life.

Ca- Nandini.

He sighed saying her name. Alya, Mukti and Dhruv squeezed his hand and asked him to proceed.

Ca- she is Manik's girlfriend. They are a couple from past few months.

Dr- if you all don't mind me asking can you tell me about them in detail.

Ca- well it was in the begining that they hated each other. Whenever they come face to face they always used to fight. It was some time that they spent together. Manik started to feel for her even Nandini too. Manik had no idea about Dhruv having feelings for Nandini though they wasn't any specific to mention. But when he knew he left Nandini for Dhruv. Later he apologized Nandini . She forgave him but the tension remained still. After a while when they again together not officially just as friends as it was Nandini's idea. After some time Soha entered our lives. She was a daughter of a producer who was going to launch us as a band. We any how tolerated her. She was a bitch.

He clenched his fists. Mukti squeezed his hand. He inhaled and exhaled in order to calm down.

Ca- I'm sorry Dr. She was obsessed with Manik. She was also suffering from some mental trauma. Soha later kidnapped Nandini. In order to save Nandini Soha went in fire and also she was 70% burnt. Later we gotta know that she didn't go through it. After that incident Mr. Khurana Soha's dad filed a case against Manik saying Manik killed her. Nandini was the only suspect back then. Mrs. Malhotra manipulated Nandini with her talks. When the case took hearing Nandini didn't support Manik she just said that she doesn't know what happened as she was unconscious. Manik broke up with Nandini. But they love has to be stayed with them. If in short I say say Manik and Nandini have been through lot. Later few months back there was a sudden change in Nandini's behaviour. She apparently asked Manik to choose between us and her. Manik choose both and that was his final decision. Since then they have been drifting apart even being together. We have no idea where is Nandini right now. And I guess this attack is also coz of Nandini.

Dr:- it's alright young man. I know that this is a bit complicated but we have to get Nandini in order to make Mr. Malhotra healthy. Kindly find her and get her. I hope you understand.

He patted his shoulder and left. Fab 4 were confused would be an understatement. They had no idea where Nandini was and even if they knew will she agree with them to visit Manik who is admitted in hospital.

Ignore mistakes

Thank u
Stay happy
Stay safe

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