Eve:Just 2 days from now.

Ahri:Do the others know?


Ahri:But why?!

Eve:Then they would have done the same thing you did in the first place, its better to keep to ourselves for the meantime.

I pouted at Eve feeling a bit annoyed she's still bringing up what happened a few days ago


I went to the kitchen to grab something to freshen myself up from staying outside.

Nidalee:Hello Mistress Ahri.

I jump by surpised because my thoughts were somewhere else at the same time tired from all what's happening.

Ahri:H-hey Nidalee.

A part of me wanted to just pounce at her and just beat her up from taking advantage of (y/n) the other day but i tried to suppress my anger towards her .She nodded at me while holding an icebox and proceeded to the fridge to place it there.

Ahri:Are those (y/n)'s medicines?

Nidalee:Yes, Madam Lissandra instructed me to keep them on a low temperature, i hope it's not much?

Ahri:Oh no no! It's alright!

As Nidalee left, i let out a big exhale then drank the water i took from the fridge to calm myself down.

Ahri:I swear if it wasn't for Eve i would've murdered that bitch myself right now.

~Timeskip 2 days~

Nidalee POV

The day finally arrived , at first my original plan didn't go as planned because of the young master friend but that won't stop me, as i made my new arrangement everything was going smoothly and luckily the girls are leaving for tonight.

what are the odds~

I've been so pent up the past days, I wasn't able to make a move because of that Fox and Devil sticking their noses, if only that bitch didn't speak up I wouldn't be like this.

I originally was to drug the girls to sleep while i did my business but this could work much more.

Nidalee:Haahh.. I can't wait for tonight~

I bit my lower lip then licked it from the ecstasy of just thinking out it. I happily cleaned the house, as I enjoyed the final moments of being a maid to the next rich girl in town, I've spent my years trying to survive and work. A small memory reminded me of those dark days.

Nidalee: i'm not going back to those slumps..

I spent most of my childhood in the village woods and when i finally to have a change of life in city while hoping for a bright future, i ended up where? In Zaun in the slums. Half dead and hoping for a miracle, i took every job i can, from murder, and even almost to the point of selling my body. Until i was found my Madam Lissandra, i was thankful, she gave me a second life, i have clothes,food and better shelter, i was satisfied, until..

~Flash back 2 years ago~

Back in the Black Ice Corp, i was Assisting directly to Madam Lissandra. I was standing by her side as she was in a important call in one of the companies department.

Madam Lissandra:what do you mean?! we still have things to settle there! I thought you had it handled! You know what? You're fired.


Madam Lissandra slammed the phone down as she massaged the bridge of her nose, trying to calm herself down.

Nidalee:Coffee madam?

BEHIND THE SCENES( KDA X MALE READER ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें