Explaining shit

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Omg it's baby Atugawa!!!!! Ima die of cuteness-

O-oh right back to explaining things that I had to look up because I didn't even know what it means until I looked it up!!!

Self abuse
First off it took me 5 hours to find out what this meant last year-

Self abuse:

Behavior that causes harm or damage to oneself (aka you).

Eating disorders
You know what this means-

Basically it could mean many things and they are many different eating disorders such as not eating, over eating, eating only pacific foods. And more.


DONT START VENTING IN MY COMMENTS!!! You can do like "omg same-" or "it ok bestie I do that too" but I don't want to read

"Omg I started doing this because my gf broke up with me BUT WAIT IT GETS WORSE! Than my other 2000090 gf also broke up with me!!"

Like please no!

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