A little accident

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"VANITAS! THE BOOK! HURRY!" Noe yelled at me from the other side of the alley. I gritted my teeth and scowled in his direction for daring to yell at me. I looked around for the book of vanitas. You would think I would take better care of that damned thing but really, I don't care. it's just a mere book that's there to help me get my vengeance. 

I spotted a sparkle of blue a few feet away and dragged myself over to the paperback  book.

Before I could open it and recite my very well thought monologue, I saw the damn malnomen raise it's little stopwatch thing that I didn't bother paying attention to, but now that I realize what it is, I'm regretting that just like every other decision of my pathetic life.

I charge forward with what little energy I had and I could see Noe struggling to keep the malnomen from using it's 'res' on me.

(quick note: res is a special object that some rare malnomen own that have nothing to do with anything, they're just there)

I barely managed to open the book quick enough but the thing is, the malnomen, who's name is 'ancien Cheri', did what was needed to activate his 'res'. I could hear Noe call out my name but it soon faded away as I saw blinding light everywhere.

My ears popped and I felt nauseous so I decided I would sit down on the ground and wait for the inevitable to come. I'm so tired of this, and I hated being tired. It makes me feel weaker than I already am.

I wish I was like Noe. He never gets tired. No matter how much he fights, he only sleeps for a few hours and he's ready to climb a mountain. While I, a human, can't gather up enough energy to even climb off my precious roof in the morning. Noe is lucky. It's a shame that he chooses to waste his power and skills on me.

I wonder if Noe was always like this. If he was this 'rainbows and sun shines'. what am I thinking? he probably kissed his boo boos away. I bet he still believes in Santa Claus. I snickered at the thought of little Noe jumping around his teacher's house, singing "Merry Christmas".

I could feel myself growing dizzier and I passed out with the last thought being a tiny little boy with healthy tanned skin, platinum hair, and violet eyes crying because he stepped on an ant.

Tine skip because why not?~

I woke up to the sound of water rushing by me. I couldn't tell if this was a dream or not so I opened my eyes. well...the trees surrounding me and the dirty ground I'm sitting on tells me this is not a dream.

I looked around frantically before jumping up to my feet which wasn't a good idea because I stumbled back and hit my head on the tree behind me. I was in a forest and I could hear the river water from a few feet away, struggle to get through the dam that was built. Which was weird because I don't see any village or houses- never mind I see a big ass castle far away.

I leaned back on the tree and decide to rest for a few seconds before I start my journey over to a random castle like mansion in the middle of a creepy forest.

After about 15 minutes or maybe 2 hours I can't tell,  I got up and started towards the big building. I can't help but notice that something about this place is giving me really weird vibes.

I can't tell what time it is and I hope Noe is doing fine wherever he is. Not that I care for that vampire or anything.

I'm assuming I'm either somewhere in the past or somewhere in the future because that malnormal held  stopwatch. Perhaps I should be taking this more seriously.

I spend about half an hour walking before I decide that it's break time again. I found yet another tree and sat down with my head in the clouds.

I feel someone tap on my shoulder and talk in a childlike voice "Excuse me Mr.? Are you lost?".
I opened my eyes to see, yup, you guessed it, a child.

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