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"Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have

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"Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have."
- Queen Catherine de Medici

。.✦ ☾

Vera walked back to her bedroom with a small smile, her fingers curling around her now-dry dress.

Loki had left her 100 feet away from the castle, sweeping her off one last time to give her a heart-stopping kiss. The coolness of his body completely chilled hers in a pleasurable way, she didn't want to part with him.

"Vera." A sharp hisses exclaims, causing Vera to snap out of her daydreams, whipping her head around to meet the steal gaze of her mother. Vera swallowed harshly, hoping she didn't look as disheveled as she felt.

Hera stalked up to her like a predator, making Vera's heart pound like a scared animal.

"Yes, mother?" Vera asks politely, gripping her dress with anxiety.

Hera stops a few feet away, eyeing her daughter from top to bottom. "Me and your father are leaving for Olympus, I wanted to say goodbye," Hera states, her voice sharp and cold.

Oh. It was massively relieving.

"I'll miss you," Vera states

Hera's eyes soften slightly before she nods and turns away, not giving her a second thought as she heads for the bit frost, leaving Zeus to say his goodbyes.

Vera watches after her mother before turning to her father, smiling. "I'm sorry you have to go, Father." Vera states

Zeus smiles, making his way over and pulling her into a tight hug. "I promise I'll visit when I can and I'll try to keep your mother away from Asgard," Zeus whispers, making Vera laugh. "I'm counting on it." Vera whispers


Vera stands with the royal family as they all watch Hera and Zeus stand in the bit frost, ready to leave. Vera avoided making eye contact with Loki for fear of giving anything away, but she continued to feel his heated gaze on her.

Vera's shoulders drop softly as the bit frost takes her parents back to Olympus. "It must be relieving." A gentle voice whispers, making the young goddess turn her head. Frigga offers her a sweet smile. "I remember my mother, she was a monster when it came to my marriage with the all-father. It's a great honor but an even greater responsibility. After you marry my son, Asgard will be yours to take care of, I know it's intimidating." Frigga states

Vera feels anxiety build up in her gut. "It's bloody terrifying." Vera laughs, clutching her dress tightly in a small fist.

"But you don't have anything to worry about dear, you'll do beautifully as Queen and Mother, I have complete faith in you." Frigga offers, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.


Vera watched as the Einherjar strode down the grand hall, all intimidating and huge. Their golden armor reflected against the morning light, while their larger footsteps vibrated against the marble floor. Their steel gaze is unmoving and unwavering as they march past her.

Every single one of them radiated with strength and power, but there was one guard that caught her eye. The male wore impenetrable black armor with fine designs embedded in the chest plate. Resting on top of his head was a black helmet that framed his elvish features perfectly.

He moved across the hall, only to stop on her, those bright blue eyes hard as they analyzed the princess, taking her in, taking in her rumored beauty. Finding it all true.

"That is Valak, Commander of the Einherjar, he's devilishly handsome with and without that helmet......but let me correct myself; he is the former Commander of the Einherjar." A voice states from beside her, her voice very dull and blunt. Vera turns and she meets dark almond eyes. "I'm sorry?" Vera asks

"I am Lady Sif, it's a pleasure to be formally introduced to my princess," Sif states honestly, tilting her head down, and offering her a small honorific. Vera offers her a smile in return. "The pleasure is all mine, and what do you mean by former?" Vera asks, finding her gaze back on the intimidating man.

Sif raises her head and she turns to a dark male. "He stepped down from the position." Sif states "Why?" Vera asks "for you." Sif answers, almost hateful, but she keeps a straight face, not letting her jealousy seep through.

Vera's eyes widen briefly, confused. She has never met the man, and already people are making sacrifices. "He will be your new guard, Vera. Every Royal needs one and he volunteered." Frigga states, coming up to the two, her dress swaying gracefully past her hips. Sif lowers her head, avoiding the Queen's gaze. Frigga ignores her completely.

"Why would he give away such an honorable position for a lowly guard job?" Vera asks, confused. Men have worked all their lives to earn the title of Commander, but have never seemed to grasp the position, leaving blood in their wake.

"It's a greater honor being in your service princess." A soft accented voice speaks, making her stomach jump. Vera turns to face the former Commander, his striking eyes meeting hers. "I apologize if I insulted you," Vera states

Valak offers her a half smile, shaking his head. "No insult. There are only a few men capable of such a position. It's careless of the Allfather and I, if we let just anyone else protect the Queen in waiting." Valak states, his accent ringing against her ears.

Vera smiles in return. "Truly careless," Vera answers

Valak's eyes twinkle with mirth. Sif rolls her eyes, only to clear her throat as she catches the Queen's glare. "Mmhh, well, I do believe I have an overdue session in the training room." Sif states

"Ahh yes, it's always good to improve, have a good afternoon Lady Sif," Valak states, bowing his head. Sif grits her teeth at the obvious dig at her fighting skills. Sif bows half-heartedly at the Queen and Princess, turning sharply and matching her way out of the hall.

Vera watches after her. Valak in turn watches the princess. "Careful with that one my dear," Frigga speaks, breaking the silence, and making Valak and Vera turn. "What do you mean," Vera asks

"I don't relish in speaking ill of anyone, my dear, not even those who wish us harm. But I would rather prepare you for the long journey ahead. Sif and Thor have very complicated feelings for one another, while it isn't unheard of, it is very difficult for a Queen to overcome it." Frigga states

Vera chuckles softly. Valak lifts an eyebrow, confused. "What's funny princess?" Valak asks "Infidelity is far from the worst thing, I would rather have a distant husband than an abusive one. I understand it's rather morbid of me, but I grew up with Zeus as a father." Vera states, she knew that she would not have a marriage like the ones she reads, so she prepared herself for the inevitable. She will have a marriage like every other God and Goddess.

Frigga had nothing to say about that. It's her son who was disappointing her. Despite his promises of keeping far from Sif, she knew he couldn't truly stay away.

"Well, enough of this doom and gloom. Why doesn't my new guard take me for a walk? I would love to get to know him." Vera states, smiling brightly at the male.

Vera begins walking towards the gardens, not waiting for her guard to catch up. Valak meets the Queen's gaze. "Aren't princesses supposed to be the romantic ones?" Valak asks

"I believe so," Frigga answers, just as confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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