"Freya will be tracking us," said Dahlia. "And she will not be successful in pinpoint our location. We have the advantage."

"We simply need to keep monitoring the Compound," said Ingrid, closing her eyes to ken the mailman from the day before, finding he was only a few blocks away from the building. "And observing anyone who leaves." She glanced at her. "It would be more efficient if I did this alone, Tante."

Dahlia wasn't as worried about her doing things by herself now that the spell was refreshed, given it would take an incredibly strong emotional tug to aid her in fighting off the spell. The kind of thing that would come if Freya were to force upon her memories of their past together, which Ingrid was incapable of seeing in a positive light at the current moment. Dahlia doubted Freya would be able to get close enough to do that.

"Very well," said Dahlia. "Where will you be?"

"The apartment. I will ken a bird and fly where I am needed. If anything relevant appears..." she tapped her head, indicating she'd contact Dahlia. The woman nodded, and Ingrid walked out.

She'd kenned a sparrow on the way, and moved quickly until she arrived at the apartment, where she sat on the floor in a circle of herbs to concentrate her power. Just in the nick of time, she caught Klaus exiting the Compound. Through the sparrow, she followed him to the Lafayette Cemetery.

"What do you want, Klaus?" came the voice of a young girl. Ingrid flew in discreetly, perching herself on one of the inner railings, out of sight.

Klaus smirked at the girl, which Ingrid recognized to be Davina Claire. "Perhaps I'm merely concerned about you. You do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in graveyards for a teenager. It's a rather morbid habit."

"Well, I am touched by your concern," said Davina sarcastically. "Anything else?"

Klaus pretended to think about it. "Now that you mention it, there is one matter with which I can use your help— Mikael. It appears that my sister, Freya, has dispatched him to gather some items I require, and seeing as how you brought him back from the dead, I'm guessing you have the means to find him."

Davina scoffed. "Sorry. I'd love to help, but I'm busy mourning another dead boyfriend." She tried to leave, but Klaus stopped her.

"Do you think you're the only one who grieves my brother?" he said. "I understand you hope to bring Kol back. Resurrection spells can be very tricky. They tend to require a remnant from the dearly departed. I, myself, am the guardian to Kol's remains— the ashes of his true body. Now, I might be inclined to entrust them to you, were myself feeling helpful."

"Fine," said the witch. "I'll find Mikael for you, and you'll give me Kol's ashes. Deal?"

Ingrid had to wait quite a while for Davina to perform her Locator Spell. The girl was taking far too long. In that time, she had made herself breakfast and still didn't miss anything.

"Oh my good fucking lord," she said loudly, even if Davina couldn't hear her. "Hurry up, goddamnit, you're taking forever."

Klaus was obviously losing his patience too. "This is pointless," said Ingrid, slicing into her own wrist with a nearby knife and splatting it on the only map she had handy. She tossed some herbs over it, then began to chant softly, "Finne brødre blodlinje. Finne brødre blodlinje." On the map, six dots of blood appeared. The six people in the world that she was connected through via blood, in a close enough relation to be useful.

The spot in St. Anne's Church was Dahlia. She wasn't related to Mikael, so she wasn't going to help. The dot at Lafayette Cemetery was Klaus. Also not related to Mikael. The other dots in the Compound— Elijah, Freya, Rebekah, and presumably Hope. Hope wasn't related to Mikael, but she was a tribrid, she could be useful. Thus, Ingrid waved her hand over those four dots, bringing them into a cluster, and chanting a different spell over the combined blot, using it to find the one living person the three Mikaelson siblings had in common— Mikael.

The Beautiful and the Faultless | Cami O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now