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Oikawa carefully adjusts his arm under your head, trying not to disturb your slumber. He watches you — admires how each steady breath brings him a sense of peace. He even feels safe in the tight embrace of your arms.

You make a small noise, and he freezes when you lean closer, resting your head on his chest. She's cold, he thinks, already reaching for the blanket that fell onto the floor during your session.

He drapes the fabric over your shivering body, leaving little for himself. He isn't sure how he was going to get himself out of this, seeing that your head was trapping him. Holding his breath, he slips free and replaces his chest with a pillow.

Once he turns, he sits up and looks over his shoulder, watching you snuggle under his navy sheets. Another small noise reassures him that you're completely engulfed in the warmth and safety of his bed.

"I'll be back," Oikawa whispers before leaning down, placing a kiss on your temple.

He hadn't been able to sleep since his dad had come home an hour ago. The television and shuffling in the kitchen was enough to keep him awake, but he had no issues with that. As long as his father didn't come into his room and saw you, he would be fine.

As quietly as he can, Oikawa searches through his dressers and throws on a pair of sweats and a loose shirt. He nears the door and glances over at you one last time, takes a deep breath, and steps out.

He follows the sound of laughter, leading him into the living room. His father is there, leaning back on the couch with a plate of rice and curry on his lap. Looking over, Oikawa finds another one of those weird game shows that his father always loved watching on the flat screen. Annoying, he thinks as he leans back on the wall.

After another laugh, his father finally glances up and acknowledges his son. "Tooru," he says through a bite of curry, "I thought you were sleeping."

"Can't. The TV is too loud."

"Ah, sorry," he grunts as he reaches for the remote on the table and turns the volume down. "I was gonna check up on you and ask if you had dinner, but I didn't wanna risk waking you up."

Oikawa's heart seizes for a split second. Thank God, he thinks. "I already ate earlier."

"Hm. Come sit," his father pats the empty cushion next to him, "It's been a while since we last talked."

He contemplates, not knowing how long it'd be until you would eventually wake up and find him gone. But his feet ultimately lead him to the couch where his father is seated. "What's up?"

"I just miss you," his father replies, but his eyes remain on the television screen. "I've been so busy with work that I feel like I don't even know what's going on in your life anymore. How's school been?"

Oikawa shrugs his shoulders. "It's okay I guess."

"Found a new girlfriend yet?"

A nervous laugh erupts from him. "Well... no. Not exactly." Cracking knuckles interrupt him, and when he looks down, he finds that his own fingers are interlaced and bent backwards. He's never been anxious to talk to his father before, but knowing that someone was sleeping just a few steps away didn't help the case.

𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 • oikawa x reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now