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Oikawa leans against the row of lockers, watching a group of students walk past. The rest of his night was restless, spent reading and rereading your texts and wishing that he could go back in time and redo everything.

Before he can contemplate further, his mind wanders elsewhere. Oikawa knew that didn't want to let you go. He just didn't know whether it was because he's grown attached, or whether he was starting to feel something for you.

Either way, he quickly dismisses the thought when another group of students walk by. He would pay the occasional nod whenever he saw one of his classmates or his favourite teacher. Even a few girls would greet him early in the morning with a smile, a note, or a small gift.

But this morning is different. Instead, he gazes down at his shoes, not wanting to bother anyone else that might have to 'put up with him'.

"What's up with you?" a familiar voice grabs his attention off his feet, "Why are you looking down like that? You depressed or something?"

Oikawa forces a smile onto his face. "Just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"I can see that," Iwaizumi mumbles as he eyes the wrinkly tie and unfolded collar around Oikawa's neck, "So tired that you can't even dress properly?"

"Hm?" he looks down, finally noticing his uniform. "Oh. Interesting."

He reaches for his tie but is interrupted when he hears someone yelling his name. "Oikawa-san!" Looking up, both of the boys find a girl running down the hallway, a small pink note waving in her hand that matched the growing blush on her cheeks. "Oikawa-san! Good morning!"

Iwaizumi groans. "It's too early for this."

"Shut up," Oikawa replies before the girl can reach them.

She slows to stop, panting slightly from her jog. "Hey."

Oikawa nods, his eyes already falling to the note in her hands. "Good morning."

She straightens her back and quickly fixes her hair and skirt. Her hands are shaking from the nerves, and when she holds out the note for Oikawa to take, he places her hands over her own to still them.

"Why are you so anxious at this hour in the morning?" he smooth talks, and it only makes her even more nervous. "I'm guessing this letter is for me?"

The words are taken out of her mouth before she can even catch her breath. She nods, finally handing him the pink note. "Wait, your uniform!" her fingers are already fixing his collar and tie before he can grant her permission, "Let me fix it for you!"

Iwaizumi has to look away for the entire interaction. It was already hard watching all of the girls in the school swarm around his friend every minute of every day, but this particular moment was funny, so funny that if he didn't look away, he would be laughing in front of the both of them.

Maybe it's a coping mechanism, because as much as it was funny, he couldn't help the pang of jealousy that he felt whenever it happened. The girls would pay him no regard, and whenever they actually did, it would be just so they could ask him where Oikawa was.

"I'll see you soon?" the girl asks shyly, batting her eyelashes.

"Of course," Oikawa replies. The two exchange goodbyes, and he watches her scurry off to a group of girls at the end of the hall. They exchange whispers, a few giggles, and disappear into a classroom.

𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 • oikawa x reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now