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After having a quick bite in the kitchen, Oikawa drags himself into the bathroom for a much needed shower. Finding your clothes on the floor, he picks them up and folds them into a neat pile. Even Oikawa, who's known for having a way with women, never really knew how to leave them feeling satisfied.

Those thoughts follow him into the shower, clouding his mind and stopping him from washing. He pushes the hair out of his eyes and presses his forehead against the warm tiles on the shower wall.

"I'm such an asshole," the water drowns out his whisper, "A fucking asshole."

Even as the confident captain of Aoba Johsai, he suffered from his own self hatred, and seeing you angry for the first time — hearing you yell for the first time — left an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Oikawa isn't used to feeling guilty, and he bites back another curse when his guilt is followed up by shame.

He closes his eyes. There's still a girl in my room, he thinks, waiting and wanting to feel the same pleasure, and here I am... showering instead.

The reality of the situation finally settles into his mind. He sighs, straightening his back and pushing himself to finish washing so he can return to you in his bedroom.

When all of his clothes are back on his body, he grabs your pile of clothes and quietly steps out into the hallway. He contemplates whether to apologize, or rather, how to apologize. He's never been in this situation before, or at least, he didn't know until you brought it up.

As words pop into his mind, he tries to arrange them into an apology. "Sorry I'm such an ass," he whispers, then cringes as soon as he hears how stupid he sounded. "No, that's not right... I'm sorry I didn't stop to think about how you were feeling at the moment... No, I sound weird there too..."

Knowing that he would be spending some time piecing together an acceptable apology, he leans back against the wall and stares at his bedroom door. He knows that just beyond it, you were still laying in his bed — unsatisfied.

"Fuck," he lets out another sigh, "Why do I have to be like this?"

Finding himself stumped, he picks at the pile of clothes in his arms. He takes a deep breath, finding your scent still embedded in them.

He closes his eyes and brings them up to his face, inhaling again just before he hears muffling from the other side of his bedroom door.

Oikawa freezes. He's unsure of whether he actually heard something or not. A few seconds slip by, and when he doesn't hear the sound again, he relaxes against the wall.

"Mmph!" The sound is much clearer this time. When Oikawa hears it again, he stands straight, his gaze lingering on his bedroom door. "Mm... Ah!"

His eyes instantly widen. Oikawa didn't think that you'd actually finish yourself when you said it earlier, taking it as a joke, but when he hears another soft moan, he can't help but peek through the door to watch.

The room is dark, just like how it was when he left you. It takes a moment for his vision to adjust, your moans keeping him company in the short process.

Then, he looks into the corner of the room where his bed is. He makes out your figure, a dark silhouette with your back arching off the mattress. Your knees are bent and parted, making room for your hand which was already moving deeply between your thighs.

"Mm!" another moan escapes you when you rub your clit faster, releasing small bursts of pleasure, "Ah... Mm..."

Oikawa can feel his heart begin to race as he watches your body move against his bed. Your other hand flies over your mouth, muffling another moan that Oikawa wishes to hear.

The small mewls that follow leaves him with butterflies in his stomach. Those noises were sweet, filling him with the desire to draw them out of you himself.

But he didn't want to interrupt, not when he was already enjoying the show.

"It's my turn." you whisper words that you wish Oikawa would hear one day.

You grab his sheets, taking hold and allowing a loud moan to rip out from your mouth. "Ahh!" Another flick of your fingers sends the pleasure through your entire body, making your muscles jump with excitement.

Despite the twitching, you continue to rub your clit until your fingers start to cramp up. You let out a satisfied breath, and when you press your knees together, your clit throbs between your thighs.

You let out a tired laugh. "Finally."

Oikawa finds himself speechless. There's no denying that he enjoyed the show, and the hardening erection in his sweatpants is proof of it. But he doesn't touch himself — not until you're sound asleep on his bed is when he allows himself to pull down his pants and boxers.

He turns around, not wanting to disturb your sleep as he pumps himself. "Fuck," he says under his breath as he rubs faster and faster, until he's releasing all of his hand and is feeling dizzy from everything that's happened over the past ten minutes.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

Oikawa doesn't let himself return to his bedroom until thirty minutes after. Opening the door slowly, he finds you curled up on his bed, sleeping soundly.

He wants to wake you and apologize, but he finds it better not to bother you. Instead, he quietly approaches the bed, watching you take steady breaths.

A small smile spreads on Oikawa's face as he admires your sleeping figure. You look peaceful, hugging your knees against your chest to stay warm. He steps back when you make a small noise, but when you relax against his bed again, he finds it safe to kneel down.

Carefully, he brushes your cheek with his fingers. "I'm sorry," he finally apologizes, "I'm sorry for not treating you the same. I should've known better."

He withdraws his hand, wanting to touch your shoulder or your thigh, but he knows that it would probably wake you. Instead, he leans in, pressing his lips gently against your temple.

Oikawa doesn't remember the last time he has kissed you. He tries hard to remember, but only comes up with other memories — all of them now meaningless to him.

Tugging at the blanket, he gently drapes it over your body. "Goodnight," he says before rolling out his futon and taking the spot on the floor right next to his bed.

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