Dreams Of The Past

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"Kiyotaka, don't you want to visit that new cafe in Keiyaki mall? We hardly spend time together these days. Especially with all this mess Ryueen has been creating." Kei looked hopefully at Kiyotaka as though trying to hypnotise him to utter the single word "yes"

Kei tightened her hold on Kiyotaka's arm as they walked hand in hand in the broad hallways of the school, parading their relationship for all to see.


The answer came instantly in the form of a monotone Kei was all too familiar with.

"Mou. Why can't you be more happy about it?"

Kei complained pouting like the one being wronged here. It didn't help to have a goddamn stone of a boyfriend who was terrible at expressing himself.

"But I am...." Kiyotaka uncharacteristically trailed his words, deep in thought. His mind which could perform calculations in a speed akin to the speed of light, stood helplessly still at the unexpected situation.

"You are what?" Kei interrogated, almost glaring at his chocolate eyes, investigating the hidden pockets of those limitless dark pools.

The dark chocolate eyes that struck back at her were still indifferent yet somehow seemed to be mellowed around the edges. It was hard to see. Even harder to describe.

There was a slight shimmer of golden enveloping the darkened brown of his irises, whirling in a exorbitant display of softness.  Something that did not exist before.


His voice echoed in her ears. She stood spellbound at the sight of such unnaturally soft yet eerie eyes. They burnt with a mysterious intensity, one as chilling as the gaze she had witnessed on some far-off deck in that ship.

She couldn't for the life of her understand why they appeared so desperate to overwhelm her in the fires of his amber.

Warmth rushed to her cheeks. Kei coughed slightly, trying to vanquish the flames enveloping them.

"Alright then. Shall we go then?" She tangled her arms once again around with his as they moved in the direction of the said restuarant.

The walk was short.

Before Kei knew it, they had arrived at the highly decorated cafe. The lighting of the cafe was slightly dark, brightened by the lanterns, hanging down from the tall ceiling which was wonderfully illuminated by stars but still not close enough to brighten the room.

Overwhelmed by the mysterious pull on her hand momentarily, she was forcefully led towards the most secluded table in a corner. It was a perfectly isolated spot, something Kei would have chosen even if Kiyotaka hadn't brought her there.

She sat down, giggling with an undecipherable contentment. They took the opposite seats in the table for two. Kei interlocked her hands with his wordlessly.

Immediately following them behind was an waitress who smirked at the sight of them. She swiftly placed two menus in front of them before picking up a notepad ready to write, at the customer's beck and call.

Kei opened one of the menus and her eyes were softly skimming through the menu when a voice interrupted her focus.

"Good day we have here. What do you two lovebirds want this evening? How about the couple's special? I would recommend that." The waitress winked at an unmoving Kiyotaka.

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