23. bloodlust

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chapter twenty-three,bloodlust

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chapter twenty-three,

Everything was in disarray as screams were heard all over the school and students, parents, and teachers were dispersed

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Everything was in disarray as screams were heard all over the school and students, parents, and teachers were dispersed. Some dead, some injured, and most were terrified. Talulla had followed with the crowd, losing sight of any of her friends, and she was terrified as she stood against a wall, peeking around the corner ever so often. And once the silence set in, her fear did nothing but increase.

She heard footsteps nearing towards her, and a chill fell over her body, shivering aggressively as she prepared herself. As a shadow grew closer to her she gathered her strength, getting ready to lunge and attack whoever or whatever it was. Thankfully, she had quickly come to the realization that it was just Scott, blood running down the side of his face, beginning from somewhere on his scalp.

"Oh, thank god, it's just you! I was terrified." Talulla exhaled, bending over and putting her weight onto her hands that rested just above her knees. She felt the tremors in her elbows and knees, anxiety running through veins.

However, she didn't have much time to rest as Scott grabbed her harshly by the elbow. The two ran furiously to the library, catching their breath as they reached one of long wooden tables. And they both were taken aback at the large group of students hiding between the shelves, sharing a knowing look.

They couldn't leave now, the beast wasn't far behind them, and there was no way these students wouldn't witness what was about to happen. The best the pair could do was get these students out of direct eye-line and hope that they'd think anything they saw was an illusion. Scott did just that, watching as they all ran as fast as possible up the second floor of the library.

Scott and Talulla's eyes met, their brown irises swirling wildly with fear and adrenaline, it was time. There was truly no time for a real preparation, and Talulla mustered all the might she could as she watched The Beast, in all it's form, run straight through the doors. She flashed her own bright purple eyes, feeling her fangs and sharp nails popping out from beneath the skin, growling alongside her Alpha as they began to charge into battle.

It was hard to fight the huge monster, and Talulla watched as Scott was flung quickly into the staircase. She was able to fight for longer, flashing in and out of vision just fast enough to get out of direct danger. But, it only took a little bit of time for the beast to understand her movements, eyes darting toward the spot she thought would be unexpected, slamming her quickly against the stairwell railing not far from Scott.

And as the aching set in her ribcage, feeling the cold from the tile floor against her hands, she heard a loud gunshot. Talulla's head shot upwards, watching as Malia growled threateningly beside Braeden, who continued to shoot, hitting the beast no less than six times. It didn't work the best, but it weakened and threatened it just enough to send it flying out of the big glass window, creeping off into the dark night.

It was only then did Talulla realize Liam was on the floor beside her. He had lost his jersey, but he seemed to be in better shape than the last time she had seen him. Talulla began to stand up, using the staircase railing but quickly being assisted by Malia as she rushed to her side.

"You guys didn't seriously think you were going to have shot against that thing, did you?" Braeden questioned wildly.

Scott was panted as he answered, "No. But I got it's scent."

She hadn't realized it before, but the smell had made it's way to her nose. And Talulla could practically see the trail it left, sensing it around the dangling glass that swung in the gaping hole of the window. And all of a sudden, it no longer mattered that there was a group of 12 students just above us. They knew where the beast was, and now they could actually find it in time.

Scott and Talulla were the first to make a move, following the scent so quickly one would think they'd have actually seen someone in front of them. Talulla had gotten a bit more forward than the group, seeing as Scott limped behind her, quickly being followed my a concerned Liam. But she didn't care.

And maybe she should've been thinking of where Stiles was, if her mother was safe and sound, but she couldn't help it. For some reason her bloodlust for this beast had been kicked into overdrive, and nothing else would satisfy her more than finding and ripping apart who ever could do something like this. She wanted to give this horrible monster of taste of their own medicine

They followed it all the way to parking lot, feeling the cool metal against her fingers as she continued to sniff around the cars, trying to find the one that had that metallic blood smell to it. Talulla's mind passed through all of the smells around her, chips, marijuana, even the smallest tinge of gunpowder lingering. And then it hit, and she paused faster than she thought she ever could, her and Scott's hands landing on the edge of a small black vehicle. Together their hands forced open the trunk, Talulla felt the strain in her neck, the force of her veins popping out. And in just a split second, they both had spotted a bloodied pair of high tops, size ten.

The trunk slammed closed, and into their line of vision popped in Mason, and Talulla's mind melted to mush.


"Scott? Talulla? What are you guys doing to my car?" His question echoed in Talulla's mind. The bloodlust and anger dissipated, this was just Mason. Innocent, sweet little Mason, he could never do that.

It can't be him.

"It's you." Scott gasped.

"What?" His face filled with confusion, "Liam, what's he talking about?"

Talulla looked at Liam, his eyes brimming with tears and a small tinge of fear coming off of him when Mason stepped forward.

"Liam?" From behind Mason, Corey appeared. And both Talulla and Scott knew exactly was going to happen next. Just as quickly as he appeared, he grabbed onto Mason, blending in and running away.

Scott had tried to reach for them, but they were no where to be found. And Talulla was left utterly speechless at what had just been revealed to her.

 And Talulla was left utterly speechless at what had just been revealed to her

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author's note !

word count: 1124
published: september 14, 2023
me writing this chapter like i didnt just finish a 5 page essay 😩

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