Puppy Love

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"Awww... I love you so much!".

"Well, that's cute."

I jumped, whipping around to see my brother looking at me, the others behind him. "When did you get here?!"

He smirked. "Been here for a bit. Really enjoying the love of your life there huh?"

"I-" I was too flustered and couldn't say a word. Can't believe Satoru saw....

Yuki jumped on me, causing me to fall flat on my back. She began licking my face while wagging her tail.

I giggled. "Yuki!"

Thought Megumi and I were having a moment? Nope! I was playing with my dog.

{A/n: had I been misleading? Lol, I kinda made the title a play on words, along with writing a scenario that could be taken a different way 😝. Anyways... back to the fic!}

Megumi walked back in, deadpanning at me and the puppy. "I leave for a minute... and you do this."

I giggled. "Jealous?" I teased.

He shrugged, taking out his phone. "Wonder what that's like." He began taking pics of Yuki, who just happened to still be attacking me with kisses.

"Megumi! Don't just take pics! He-help me out here!" You couldn't stop laughing, Yuki's licks kept tickling you.

Megumi smirked. "Nah. This is way better than helping you."

Satoru, however, wasn't smirking. He didn't look very pleased. "Who's dog is this?"

I met my brother's blindfolded gaze, quickly looking away. "Mine...."

He let out a breath. "I guess I can't stop you from keeping it. Just take care of it and be careful."

I smiled, not expecting that from him. "Thanks, Satoru!"

"Why does Yuki like licking my face so much?"

I giggled, recording Yuki licking Megumi's face. "Cuz she likes you, duh. But I'm kinda jealous. I wanna give you kisses too!"

Megumi looked at me. "You wanna be a dog?"

I frowned, pouting at his comment. "No. But, you know I like you and I wouldn't mind being able to express that with some PDA, like hugs and kisses."

Megumi sighed, moving Yuki aside and pulling me towards him. "You reallt want that?"

I probably just turned a deep shade of red. "Um... well, yeah...."

Before I could react, Megumi pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't quick, but it hadn't lasted for more than a minute. He pulled away, leaving me completely breathless.

He looked into my eyes. "That satisfy your desire to kiss me?"

I was speechless, still not fully comprehending what had just occurred. I simply nodded, trying to get my breath back and find my voice.

He smiled slightly. "Good. I hope this means you won't be whining about this anytime soon?"

I shook my head, still unable to wrap my head around his actions. "W-why did you kiss me, Megumi?"

He turned away from me. "That's what you wanted, right?"

I felt my face continuously heat up. "Um... well... yeah... b-but I didn't think youd seriously kiss me...."

"Why not?"

"Cuz... I just don't?" I wasn't sure if this meant he liked me, or if he was still just putting up with me. Does he like me back? Or his he going along with my whims to keep me happy?

Megumi scoffed, a slight smirk spreading on his lips. "Do I need to kiss you again to make you stop thinking about it?"

Yet again, he rendered me speechless. How is he able to say that so easily? I can't actually even think about kissing without completely losing it

But here we are: in my room, sitting on my bed while taking care of Yuki. Like usual, I express my feelings towards him- and he just kisses me, talking about it as if it's a normal thing to happen between us. It's really confusing me- I'm still not sure about his feelings for me.

I finally found my voice, looking directly at his face. "Megumi...?"

He turned to look at me, staring right into my eyes. "Yeah?"

"How can you kiss me so easily? How can you talk about kissing me as if it were second nature?"

Megumi's eyes wavered slightly, he seemed almost unwilling to answer mt question- I was clueless as to why. "I... I can't answer that."

"Why not?" I pressed. I didn't want to push him, I'd hate to seem pushy. But... I really want to know what's going on in his mind.

He let out a heavy sigh, not breaking our eye contact. "It's because... I don't really know the answer to that myself."

"Oh." I can't lie, I felt kind of disappointed with that response. But if that's his feelings, I'll respect him and give him all the time he needs to figure everything out.

Megumi sighed again, then grabbed Yuki and set her in between us. "Hey, don't make that face. You're gonna make Yuki sad."

I looked at and was immediately met with Yuki licking my face. I chuckled quietly, trying to cover up my disappointment. "Aww, Yukiiiiii. Do you love me and Megumi so much that you don't want either of us to be sad?"

Yuki simply barked and continued to switch between Megumi and I- constantly moving to lick our faces and seek attention from us. In the end, she settled down and curled up right in between us on my bed.

Megumi chuckled as he looked at Yuki's sleeping form. "Guess being affectionate can wear such a small thing out."

"Mhm." I, myself, felt sleepy, beginning to lay down on my bed ans drift off.

Megumi pov

I looked at Y/n sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. I couldn't help but gently caress her cheek. I sat there, admiring her as she slept.

I let out a sigh, which slowly turned into a groan. My voice was so quiet, almost inaudible. "How can you still like me so much when I've only been playing with your feelings? How can you insist that you like me... when I can't even admit how I feel for you?"

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