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"Does he like me back or not?! What does Megumi's behavior even mean?! He hasn't said he hates or dislikes me, but he hasn't said he feels the same! Are we friends or what?!"

"Y/n, please calm down. Megumi is who he is, he's not really good with emotions or affection. Give him time and allow him to understand things a bit more so he can adjust and become comfortable with it."

Nobara scoffed. "Maki, Y/n has every right to freak out over this. Fushiguro hasn't said a word in response to Y/n saying she likes him. He should either say it back or flat out reject her!"

Maki frowned. "How would it be good if he rejects her?"

I interjected. "It's better than not getting anything. It could even help me get over him. I just wanna know how he feels about me. That's all. We've seemed to have gotten closer since I confessed and I feel like we're friends right now... but he hasn't said anything! I need some form of confirmation!"

Maki sighed, shaking her head. "You two are spending too much time together. I miss the days where you two would try to kill each other. When you two first met, it was way more interesting since you couldn't get along and would always break out into a fight."

Nobara groaned, sitting beside our senpai. "I desperately needed another girl with me! Dealing with both Itadori and Fushiguro is exhausting and I just don't like them much. I mean, yeah, they're cool and make great friends. But spending too much time with them kills me."

I giggled, sitting beside them. "Megumi's not that bad."

"You only say that cuz you like him."

I blushed. "Don't bring my feelings into this, Nobara!"

"What about Y/n's feelings?"

Of course the guys, including my stupid older brother, just had to walk in at this moment.

Nobara groaned, leaning on me. "See what I mean, Y/n? Guys are a pain!"

Yuji frowned. "We only just walked in here! What did we do?"

I looked at him, and the other guys, with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her. She's a lil grumpy cuz we haven't gone out to lunch yet."

"Can we come?" Yuji's eyes sparkled at the idea of food.


"No chance in hell." Nobara cut me off. "Girls only."

Maki snickered. "Didn't even ask Y/n. Maybe she wanted Megumi to come along." Nobara joined in with laughing at me.

I threw myself onto the floor. "That was uncalled for! Stop making fun of me for that!"

Said boy (Megumi) came over and helped me get up. "How can you hang around these two?" He murmured into me ear. "They're probably the meanest ones here."

I nodded. "Thanks." I turned to the girls. "I was gonna pay for your lunch, but now I'm just gonna take the guys and you two can fend for yourselves."

Maki snickered, rolling her eyes. "Why take all the guys? Just go on a little date with Megumi."


Before I could say any more, Megumi intervened. "Just ignore them. And it's not a date, Maki-senpai. We're all getting lunch together."

Yuji snickered. "I dunno, Fushiguro. Kinda seems like it'll be a date with just the two of you. Bringing us along to be third wheels is so uncool."

Megumi rolled his eyes. "Seems like no one else wants lunch." His lips began to form a grin.

I grinned with him. "Oh, such a shame. What are you hungry for, Megumi? My treat since we have terrible friends and teachers."

We began laughing as we actually left the campus to go to lunch. Because of that, we left all the others in shock.

Megumi went quiet first, turning to me. "Do... are you anxious?"

I looked at him. "About what?"

He sighed. "Aren't you panicking that I haven't said whether I like you back or not?"

I shrugged. "I mean, it is sorta frustrating that I don't know how you feel. But, it doesn't matter. Whenever you figure it out, you can tell me. I don't care how long you have me wait. Your comfort means more to me than getting an answer quickly."

Megumi gave a slight smile. "Thanks. It's nice to know you're not pressuring me to figure it out and answer back quickly."

"Why would I?"

"Cuz everyone else is doing it. The other guys, your brother, even the girls are telling me to hurry up and tell you how I feel. Even though, I'm not really sure how I feel about you yet. I know I don't hate or dislike you. I mean, I guess I like you, but I'm not sure if it's in a romantic context."

I stopped him from rambling. "It's fine. Seriously, take your time. I don't mind waiting for you to figure things out. And I'm not gonna force you to like me, however you feel is all you and I'll respect it and you regardless of what it is."

"Thanks, Y/n."

I smiled at him. "It's really no problem."

Nighttime, Megumi's pov

After spending time with Y/n and the others, I was finally alone in my dorm. Perfect, quiet, and peaceful. Totally relaxing.

Well, it would be... if I wasn't panicking.

How do I feel about Y/n? Is she just a friend to me or is it something else? How long is she willing to wait for me to figure my feelings out and get my shit together?

I laid in bed, unable to sleep due to all these thoughts running through my head. I was tossing and turning, desperately trying to fall asleep. All to no avail.

I groaned into my pillow. "What's wrong with me? When did I change and become so conscious about feelings?!"

That's when I realized it. I remember when things first started changing with me, when feelings became more apparent. I know exactly what caused this.

"Y/n, what have you done to me?"

Gojo Y/n, the younger sister of my annoying teacher that had taken me in when I was just a kid, has caused me to panic over feelings.

Y/n's changed me.

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