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Yet again, there's a knock at my door.

Now, I'm getting kinda pissed. I got out from under my blankets. "Go away Satoru!"

"It's not Gojo. Open up."

My eyes widened as I heard the voice. I ran- actually stumbled and fell a few times- to the door. I opened it to confirm I wasn't hearing things. And I wasn't.

"Hey. Long time no see." Megumi was standing before me right outside my room.

"Megumi? What're you doing here?"

"Can I come in and talk to you?"

I moved aside, still not fully believing that Megumi had actually come to my room. I watched as he walked in and sat in on my bed. I closed the door and walked back over. Was this really just a dream? Or am I hallucinating from lack of food and sleep?

He sighed, looking right at me. "I'm sorry... for every mean thing I've ever said or done to you. It hurt you and I didn't realize how serious it was when it happened. Can you forgive me?"

"Is this real?"

His eyes widened. "Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"

"So I'm not dreaming? Or hallucinating?"

Megumi shook his head. "I'm really here to apologize to you for hurting your feelings and being a total jerk to you for no reason."

"Still can't believe it. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped all thosw meals... maybe I should actually try sleeping again...."

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Y/n. This is really happening- real life. I actually came here to talk to you. But you should eat and sleep. It's not healthy to isolate yourself like this."

I sighed, making eye contact with him. I was about to say something, but got distracted by his hand on my shoulder. "Your hand is warm."

His eyes widened. "Is that really all you have to say about this situation?"

I flinched. "No, of course not! I just got distracted for a sec. It's not like I've had a lot of physical contact with anyone recently."

"Still not healthy."

"I know! I just... haven't been feeling well lately."

Megumi pulled me closer to him, trying to confort me with a hug. "And I know that's my fault. I'm sorry, really I am."

"Am I really just like Satoru? Am I just a small feminine version of my brother?" I began sobbing onto Megumi's shoulder.

He awkwardly began rubbing my back. "N-no, you're not. I didn't mean what I said. Forget that I even said it, ok?" I could tell he was panicking- he's not very good with emotions or affection.

"How can I forget when it came from you? I like you so much and you couldn't even see it!"

Silence consumed the room. How could I just confess to him like that?!

Megumi let go of me and got off my bed. Without uttering another word, he left my room.

I stared at his every movement, continuing to stare at my door once he was gone. I groaned, nearly yelled, into my pillow after falling face first into my bed.

"Kill me now."

3rd person- outside Y/n's room

Fushiguro walked to the normal training field, finding all the other students and Gojo there. He walked right up to them and collapsed onto the ground, a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh? What's this? What happened to make you look so shocked, Megumi?" Gojo smirked, not knowing what happened and completely unprepared for the answer Fushiguro would give.

"I got the chance to talk to Y/n.... She let me in her room."

Everyone else's expressions turned into that of shock. "What?"

Fushiguro turned to look at them. "I knocked on her door, she told me to go away thinking I was Gojo. When I told her it wasn't Gojo she stumbled to the door and couldn't believe it was really me there. And don't worry, I apologized to her."

"So why do you look so shocked, Fushiguro?" Kugisaki raised a brow.

He made eye contact with each of them individually. "She told me she likes me."

Gojo's jaw dropped before he curled his lips into a grin. "Damn, she's pretty damn confident. I think I'm gonna be an old man in comparison to her soon."

"No time for jokes!" Kugisaki glared at the white haired man.

Maki just blinked. "She... she really confessed to you, Megumi?"

The still shocked boy nodded. "She did. Clear as day. I didn't know how to react so I just silently walked out."

Maki hit him. "Idiot!"

Kugisaki smacked him as well. "That's the same as rejecting her!"

"It's fine. I didn't mean to say it... it just kinda slipped out."

Y/n pov

I had walked out of my room (finally) and found everyone, including Megumi at the training grounds. I approached them and joined in the conversation once I heard what they were saying.

They all jumped at the sound of my voice and slowly turned to face me. "Y-Y/n?!"

I nodded, a faint smile on my face. "I finally left my room."

Nobara broke into a huge smile ans lunged towards me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I missed you so much!"

I chuckled awkwardly. "S-sorry. But uh, could you please let go? I haven't slept or eaten in over a week and I don't have enough strength for any of this."

She immediately let go. "Sorry. But, why are you out?"

"For a walk?"

"Yeah right. Give the real reason." Maki can see right through my bullshit, I always wanted to believe that it was cuz of her glasses.

I sighed. "Hunger pains are unbearable."

Yuta just looked at me with pure disappointment, shaking his head. "Stop skipping meals then."

"That's why I left my room." That wasn't the full reason. Through listening to part of their conversation, I was able to find out the answer to my impulsive confession to Megumi. I guess I had been rejected, but that's kinda what i was expecting.

Satoru smiled at me. "Lemme take ya out to eat then."

I groaned. "Do I have to go with you?"

He frowned. "Yes! Stop complaining about being around me! I'm your brother for fucks sake!"

I rolled my eyes. "As long as you're paying, I guess I don't really have any problems with it."

The others burst into laughter, even Megumi, and got up from where they sat on the ground. We all left the campus and went out to eat.

My first meal in over a week. After I've confessed to Megumi, and got rejected. Yet, he's not avoiding me or anything.

Are things going back to normal finally? Or is this a change? And will this change be good or bad?

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