Forced Partnership

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"Ok, so for today-"


Satoru just pouted in my direction. "You didn't even let me finish!"

I shrugged. "Don't care. I'm not listening to your shit today."

"You still mad about the porn?"

"Yes, I'm still mad about the porn."

Kugisaki just looked between me and my brother. "What's this about?"

Satoru smirked. "I put a porno along with the normal movies Yuji watches, and these two ended up accidentally watching it last night."

"I'm going to kill you." I glared, hoping my stare alone would pierce him with daggers.

Yuji, however, just turned away in embarrassment. "Can we please not talk about that?"

Satoru shrugged, going back to the original topic. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by my baby sis... I'm choosing your partners for this mission! Well... there are two missions so I'm splitting you guys up."

"You're still just gonna slack off." I glared at him. "Not doing a thing you say."

"You will, now shut up." He put that stupid grin back on his face and clasped his hands together. "For one mission, the team will be... Yuji and Nobara! Then, Megumi and my grumpy baby sister are going to be a team for the other mission! Any complaints? No? Wonderful! Let's get going!"

I stared in disbelief with wide eyes. "Asshole...." I grumbled.

Megumi mumbled, coming up beside me. "This is going to be... interesting."

I looked at him. "Just say the word and I'll kill him. Won't even hesitate. Just shoot him with my cursed technique."

He chuckled slightly. "Might take you up on that offer. Anyways... what's up with you and Itadori?"

I rose a brow. "Whaddya mean?"

"You two have been hanging out lately, and Gojo slipped a porno into the movie stack you guys have been watching from. What's going on between you two?"

"Just friends. Nothing else."


I nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing. But Gojo and Kugisaki have both been saying things like you two kissed and even had sex or something."

I flinched, luckily he didn't notice. "They just like spresding rumors. They're gossip-loving people."

"True. Let's get going. I hate it when Gojo tries shit."

"That makes two of us." I giggled, quickly replacing the smile with a dark expression. "I hate my fucking clan."

Megumi walked ahead of me, not turning to look at me. "Your entire clan?"

"Yes. I hate every single member of my clan, along with the elders and higher ups. Anyways... let's talk less about me and more about this mission."



Megumi and I were currently struggling with multiple grade 1 curses along with a special grade that had put up its domain.

He furrowrd his brows, using his shikigami to protect us. "Fucking Gojo... who the he'll thought it was a good idea to send two students on this kind of mission?!"

I looked at him. "My stupid older brother, unfortunately for us."

He sighed, clearly tired of this shit. "Remind me to punch him for this."

"I'll help. I've been wanting to cancel his Infitiy for the longest time. Just never had a reason till now " I shot him a smile.

He smirked. "Let's attack him like he's a curse."

"What do you mean 'like'? He is a fucking curse. I've always felt like I was cursed since I was born and had him as family "

Megumi chuckled beside me. "I felt cursed when he first found me."

We laughed then realized we needed to focus on exorcising the damn curses. I quickly teleported in front of Megumi and powered up my purple attack.


And soon, all the curses were gone. Megumi walked to the middle of the area and picked something up off the ground. "That special grade contained one of Sukuna's fingers."

I frowned, joining him and looking at the ugly rotting finger. "Figures. Guess we should take this back to the school."

He sighed. "Probably should. Let's go. I don't want to get there after Itadori and Kugisaki. Who knows how your stupid brother will act."

I giggled, walking beside him. "Yeah, he's pretty unbearable. Maybe we could teleport somewhere away from him."

Megumi stopped and looked at me with a frown. "Don't think this makes us friends. I still don't like you, Gojo."

The way he referred to me by my last name hurts. He had so much hate in his choice when he said it. Man, it really fucking hurt my sensitive heart.

"I knew you guys could handle it! Ya even brought a finger back for Yuji!"

I didn't look at my brother, just too tured for this right now. "Uh-huh. Night." I walked away, heading for my dorm room.


"Nope." And I disappeared, arriving at my room and locking the door behind me. I sighed as I fell face first into my bed. "Fuck feelings and work."

With a heavy heart, I slowly drifted off to a restless slumber.

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