Skara noticed her own stomach rumbling as well. Apparently, even with as great a meal as her mother could make, an omelet was only so filling when eaten in under five minutes. "Uhm, actually, can I uh... second... that?"

Boscha glared at them both girls with all three eyes before rolling them in angry exasperation. " Urgh, fine. Can't play on an empty stomach. Even if it's just carnival food. But you got five minutes to get it, or else I'm finding you both."

Skara let out a small sigh of relief. Well... it won't be mom's, but at least I'll get some food.

Now if only I could actually play this stupid game...


"Well that... Wasn't great."

When not even Luz, enthusiastic, optimistic, and positive about basically everything found herself with only that to say, it really did speak volumes to the absolute thrashing the Banshee's had just taken. Whatever pride or enthusiasm there had been by the Hexsidians was just utterly deflated now. They all just sort of... watched the Banshee's limp off back to their players' room, while the Glandus team and all their supporters were celebrating their landslide lead loudly and clearly.

"That's... putting it lightly." Amity agreed, leaning back in her seat, as if to process everything so far. "That was brutal, even by Grudgby standards. And Grudgby doesn't even have any standards."

As the players left the field, they were replaced by a marching band, reading themselves to be the mid-game entertainment. For a moment, no one said anything as the band set up their instruments and began to play.

"You, er... you guys think they're okay?" Bo eventually asked. "They all took... Quite a beating."

"They'll be okay." Amity assured her. "Relatively speaking, anyway. Grudgby matches can get pretty violent. They should be okay."

"Y-yeah!" Luz said, more chipper than a few moments before. Ever the optimistic sort, it seemed her brief doubt had been overshadowed by her bright-side nature. "Sure, it's going badly now. But Hexside probably has a few tricks up its sleeve to help pull the win!"

"I hope so anyway."

That, Willow noted, was Amelia. She turned to her, noting her somewhat bleak tone. As if she didn't quite believe that.

Gus, apparently not hearing this, rubbed his temples, frustrated. "Well, I hope they're having fun losing. 'Cause we're gonna be the laughing stock of the whole district with plays like this."

A moment of awkward silence fell amongst the group. Everyone, including Amelia, just sat in silence among the noises of everyone leaving. Giving Willow the chance to hear what some of them had to say.

Freaking losers.

I can't believe they're considered good!

Is it too late to leave for Glandus?

Skara sucks.

"Uh... Anyway," Amity asked, breaking the silence. "You guys wanna... get anything from the carnival? We can grab some not dogs? Maybe some popcorn?"

"Ooooh, wait! " Luz shot out of her seat, eager as always. " You guys have popcorn here!?"

Gus nodded. "Sure do. So good, it'll pop your corn right off!"

"...Er... wh... I - I don't... What's a..." Luz seemed... slightly less enthused, and more confused. "...Ah, whatever, I mean, it's gotta be better than rotton candy with spiders in it."

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