Chapter 8: 1800's.

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It felt like everything that happened earlier was a dream, I touch my neck to find new necklace wrapped around it securely: one gifted by Taehyung and one that belonged to Jungkook and his lover who's name I couldn't remember anymore unfortunately but still I had them both just to make sure I don't get lost if I lose one. I held my head lightly looking around with my jaw apart, I was definitely back in time.

It was just like a cherished retro clip, everything had a little bit of life in it. Mother nature smiled upon the sky, the birds chirping instead of the sounds cluttering because of the industrial revolution that took over. Garden surrounding me with multiple fountains, some little kids playing in one of them and a couple of lovers occupying the benches identical to mine but a bit far away.

Everyone was dressed in stunning vintage maxi gowns and some in plaid skirts, everything seemed fancy to my eyes. They wore hats and carried little purses around, the air felt fresh and I could see people riding bicycles around laughing and chattering. It was as if an aesthetic scene from pinterest came alive right in front of my eyes, some men walking in front of me in overalls that made them look absolutely adorable for some odd reason. From the back of my mind I could imagine Taehyung freaking out and begging to stay here forever, I wonder if he was here too? maybe in another form.

I look down to see myself in a red plaid skirt and white shirt, mentally thanking myself for changing the outfit before or people would have really thought that I was some sort of freak. It turned out that I was in some random universities garden, it was supposed to be an open campus area so maybe that's why I wasn't fortunately kicked out yet. I sighed stretching my arms a little, I was really back in time. All of it felt like some movie that never existed but would surely satisfy anyone's craving, first I faced the paranormal beings and now I was traveling back in time to protect someone I never knew. Someone I apparently had a connection with, someone I was ready to give my life for.

I could some people staring at me even though i did nothing wrong but maybe because how I was sitting alone lost within my thoughts or maybe they never saw me around and got curious since it's a pretty small town and people in this time barely have technology compared to my era so it's better to find Seokjin before anything unwanted happens. Somewhere I felt like this place was a part of me even though it wasn't, it was just a few weeks ago before I shifted here in my time so how could it possibly blend in with me? that was just impossible and my conclusion was that I was again over thinking.

Getting up I bite my lips feeling nervous, I just had to act normal and not waste time because I wasn't even aware of what happened to Jungkook and I had to look through that situation to avoid the day of his death which was most likely to be the day around the property distribution, maybe after he wrote that response to Namjoon. I check if I had any pockets to possibly find the letters but then it clicked my mind that at this time Jungkook didn't even receive the letter so it's existence also vanished in thin air unfortunately.

I walk towards the entrance of the university wanting to ask any random person but it didn't seem as easy as it looked, people looked welcoming but it was still hard to start a conversation with any of them. I could see a group of boy staring at me from the corner, it got me a bit terrified since I didn't even know how to lie in a situation like this. Everything was happening to fast for me "Hello beautiful lady" a voice called. I immediately turned out to see one of the boy from the group smiling towards me, he had curly brown hairs brushed back neat and clean and was dressed up in what seemed like the uniform, he even had a badge over the outfit that might be because he was a part of the student council.

I stayed quite not knowing what to reply but decided to at least be a coward, my eyes finally looks through the six boys that stood but stops at the one in the corner. A visible gasp escapes my lips because it was none other than Jungkook. He was dressed up in a white shirt with the edges rolled up neatly, his khaki pants hugged his legs and thighs perfectly. Underneath the sunlight his face glowed in a different way, it looked full of life unlike how it did when he was a trapped soul in my time. A pair of clear glasses occupied his eyes, making him look much mature and attractive. The clear black badge of head boy stood still and proud on his shirt making me internally smile a little, his hairs seemed light brown and fell over his forehead making him look irresistible.

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