Chapter 7: Paranormal.

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“Do you want anything?” I questioned Jin who was accompanying me in the same room for what seemed like an eternity. It's almost close to midnight, we spend the whole day looking around every corner of the house but we were just disappointment by the end unfortunately. “No thank you” he smiled softly, I take a seat beside him soon after since this room only had a piano, a huge sofa and bunch of empty bookshelves. “This piano belonged to Jungkook, I can feel his touch over it. It's been here for a long time now but still works” Jin spoke, all this time we've spend together even though it wasn't much but still we have developed this sort of sibling bond. I see him as my elder brother now, he was the one I confined my frustration too and he did the same. Maybe god really just planned it all out to have us some support through the dark path we were about to take.

“He plays it sometimes, mostly I see him near the empty bookshelves. His presence is always around it, I guess he misses his books” I sighed pulling my hair back into a messy bun but suddenly my hands drops the elastic band feeling Jungkook's presence around again, Jin noticed the way my body went tense just within a blink of an eye. “I-i can feel him, he's here Jin. He's here! he's here” I looked around, turning to every direction as Jin did the same. He could feel light bits of energy too so he was sure that finally Jungkook decided to show up, “Jungkook can you please give us some sign? We are here to help you please.”

“I have lost hope now Y/n” turning my back I face the door where he stood with bloodshot eyes, Jin wasn't capable of seeing him but he still looked in the same direction as me to feel the light presence he was able to gather. “You can't give up! If not for yourself then at least for me, for R-roha! for your mom Jungkook. Please we both are here to help you and you need to give us just a single clue, I know you know something that could help us. Don't be worried about us please just let me help you” I broke down knowing that he couldn't stand someone crying became of him, he looks down biting his lips and debating with himself once again.

“Jungkook we can't lose time, I'll hold back the evil. You just need to help us and we promise you that we'll help you my boy, please” Jin stepped in trying his best to convince the broken boy, Jungkook looked into my eyes. Our stare was locked and for some reason it felt familiar, like I've seen it before but maybe it was just my emotions overtaking my mind which wasn't normal but at the same time felt right. I could feel love, pain, agony within his stare, that dangerous combination was captivating. Somewhere he started to believe that he was a monster, worse than a monster when in the truth he was nothing but an angel.

He breaks that eye contact between us, immediately walking away as me and Jin followed him. We were confused but we knew that he was finally giving in, his steps stop in front of my bedroom that once belonged to him. Jin pushes open the door gently looking around while Kook walks in once again, his hands touching the frame that rested in between the whole room. It was just a simple of a sky, something common and nothing about it caught anyone's attention “Sometimes time runs back, sometimes time stops. Once it runs back, it threads new life. Once a new life is created, time starts again until the end because everything has its own end.”

“Sometimes time runs back, sometimes time stops. Once it runs back, it threads new life. Once a new life is created, time starts again until the end because everything has its own end” I repeated what Jungkook just said so that Jin could know it as well, his figure smiles at me once I was done repeating his words. Jin rushes towards the painting while I stay still looking at Jungkook who seemed lost within my stare, unknowingly our figures walk closer to each other. I wish I could touch him, I wish I could hug him but I wasn't allowed by the nature to go against it's cycle and laws and so was for Jungkook.

Everything felt dark, I could only see myself and Jungkook lost within each other. It felt like we had some connection, something between us that held us together. Something within us that wasn't letting either of us back away knowing that this connection was only for the time being even though that fact stabbed my heart but still it was the bitter truth. From up close i noticed how his eyes glistened with tears as if he wanted to say something that would change everything but he couldn't, it was killing him on the inside even after I'm the afterlife.

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