"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"See you tomorrow," She said, leaving the room and making her way down to Hagrid's hut.

However, before Liv had reached Hagrid's, she'd bumped into the trio as she made her way along the grass path leading down from Hogwarts. They were upset about Buckbeak or something, but hadn't managed to get into great detail as Scabbers - well, Peter - had suddenly bitten Ron and made an escape.

Liv knew she couldn't let the rat get away, and chased after it with as much might as Ron, who was yelling and cursing as he ran after the creature. Ron, being a foot taller than Liv, could run alot faster, and had soon dived into the grass to clasp his hands around the rat and was sat in a panting pile when Liv caught up.

"It's you!" Ron yelled at Liv. "He doesn't like you, you need to stay away from my Scabbers,"

Liv tutted, there was no surprise the rat didn't like Liv. She turned around, annoyed, to re-join Hermione and Harry a hundred feet away, but came face to face with a very large, very angry looking dog. It was growling, baring its teeth menacingly. Liv immediately knew the danger she was in, for this wasn't just a dog. This was Sirius Black in his animagi form who'd finally managed to hunt her down.

To her surprise, it had raced past Liv as if she wasn't even there, and instead was charging at Ron and soon had it's large teeth clamped around his leg and had began to drag him backwards as he yelled out in pain. Liv had never really been that brave, but still ran after the dog without a second thought nonetheless. She reached over a slight hill, realising Ron and the dog were nowhere to be seen - disappearing completely.

"Liv, MOVE!"

Before Liv could even think about moving, she'd been whipped in the ribs by a branch harshly. She got knocked to the floor just as hard - it felt as though she'd just been sliced in half, and the blood that was now oozing through the the remains of her shredded shirt made it look as though she had been.

She grabbed her stomach, ignoring the sting it caused and brought her bloody hands up to her face. She fell forward in the grass, throwing up everything inside of her. She didn't know if it was from the pain, the blood, or the unknown broken rib that made it hard for her to breathe.

It was only when she noticed the light murmur of Harry's yelling when she realized both her hearing and sight had gone fuzzy, feeling very dizzy. She felt two arms pull her up to lead her forward, where the sunlight suddenly disappeared. Liv found herself collapsing down against the wall of the inside of the tree. Slowly, her sight was restored and she could hear Harry's yells - "Liv? Liv? Are you alright?"

"We need to find Ron," was what Liv had replied, standing up abruptly despite her body screaming at her not too. They continued on down the path, following the track left behind by Ron being dragged. Liv tried her hardest to ignore the wound on her stomach that was still dripping with blood. She kept her hand tightly pressed against it.

They soon reached what looked like the inside of an abandoned home - a shack, most likely, where the disturbance of dust on the floor proved which way would lead to Ron. In a moments time, it was Ron's mumbles of pain they followed instead. He was sat, slouched down against the wall, gripping his wounded leg. Harry ran to his side to console him. Liv slid to down the wall by his side, panting hard.

"No, no!" Ron tried to yell through gritted teeth. "Get out," he hissed. "He's here, he's behind the door!"

As everyone's eyes trailed to the door in question it immediately slammed shut, causing everyone to jump. Liv tried her hardest not to scream. Right infront of her was her Father, looking deranged, evil - like he was about to kill them all. Harry, Hermione and Liv pulled out their wands quickly.

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now