Chapter 28

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"Hello, what can I get you guys?"- asked the waitress.

"Hello lady, first I almost got killed by a spider in the bathroom!"- responded Shaun irritated, "Can you please look into that?"

"You'd have to speak with the manager for that..."- replied the waitress.

"Well bring the manager here!"- said Shaun.

"Oh I forgot I am the manager here..."- said the waitress, annoyed, while Yongrae smiled from that.

"Very funny!"- replied Shaun annoyed, "But please kill that thing before it kills someone..."

"I can't because that spider works here."- said the waitress, "He eats the other bugs that enter in here..."

"There are other bugs in here?!"- said Shaun shocked as he was looking under the table for bugs.

"What can I get you since your friend is busy?"- said the waitress to Yongrae.

"I saw that cake at the table earlier."- replied Yongrae, "Queens cake if I'm not mistaken, what is it made with?"

"With cake ingredients..."- she responded annoyed.

"I see, it seems very tasty with all those ingredients..."- ironically replied Yongare, "I want one Queen's cake and a coffee please."

"Okay."- said the waitress, "And your friend?"

"The same as he!"- replied Shaun from under the table. The waitress wrote down their orders and went inside.

"This girl is very rude!"- said Shaun, annoyed by the waitress, "She must be a Scorpio or something..."

"Anyway let's get to the meat and potato before the dessert..."- continued Shaun, "Have you heard about mister Jee?"

"I have, my mom told me yesterday."- replied Yongrae with a sad tone of voice, "I feel really bad and guilty about it."

"Miss Jee took his place in the business now, she has become quite scary lately..."- said Shaun, "But have you talked with Sunjung since that day?"

"No man, I don't have the courage to face her after what I did."- replied Yongrae with his head lowered, "Also I don't think she would want to see me or hear from me anymore."

The waitress came with a tray and their orders. She started leaving the cakes and coffees down and two glasses of water.

"The water is from the house, so please enjoy it!"- said the waitress sarcastically.

"Thank you!"- replied Yongrae with happiness.

"Lady, are you a Scorpio because you are stinging me with this attitude?"- said Shaun annoyed.

"I'm actually an innocent little Virgo, mister sensitive..."- replied the waitress mocking him.

"What, a Virgo!?"- responded Shaun surprised, "You tell me your ascendant because things don't add up!"

"Shut up man!"- said Yongrae to Shaun, "Leave the waitress alone."

"Enjoy your meal and if you need anything don't call me..."- said The waitress with a fake smile and then left.

"This rude little..."- said Shaun enraged by her attitude.

"Just let it go, it's not like you will meet her every day..."- said Yongrae to him.

"I pray for those that will have to deal with her every day..."- said Shaun, "Anyway have you downloaded Lovoscope yet?"

"No I haven't done it yet."- replied Yongrae embarrassed.

"Let me help you..."- said Shun as he took Yongrae's phone and started typing in it, "Okay almost done..."

"Let me fill in your information."- continued Shaun, "Okay, now you are ready to date."

"Thanks bro, but I'm not good with these online things."- said Yongrae as he took his phone back, "I like to know someone in real life before dating them..."

"I don't know how you date."- replied Shaun jokingly, "All I know is how you break up so..."

"Very funny..."- replied Yongrae annoyed, "It was so funny that the spider in your shoulder died laughing."

"What spider...where it is!?"- Shaun responded surprised.

"Anyway I'm trying this cake before I die laughing too..."- said Yongrae and started eating the cake.

"Wait Yongrae!"- shouted Shaun.

"Why, what happened?"- replied Yongrae, surprised.

"Let me make a story for social media first."- said Shaun as he was taking a picture of the cakes with his phone.

"Done!"- said Shaun after taking the photo, "Eat now!"

Yongrae took a bite from the cake with his fork and felt surprised by the cake's amazing taste.

"This is delicious!"- said Yongrae to Shaun while he was posting the photo.

"If is as good as your jokes, man I swear...!"- replied Shaun and then took a bite too from the cake, "It's actually way better than your jokes!"- he said surprised.

"I'm glad we came here today..."- said Yonrae while he was looking at the waitress washing cups from behind the desk.

"Hey bro you did not tell how the military was..."- said Shaun, "Any funny stories?"

"Not really, just boring drills and working out mostly..."- replied Yongare, "But after me came a guy that for some reason always wanted to one-up me and looked at me funny..."

"So you had a rival there?"- said Shaun, teasing him.

"If I remember correctly his name was Sungjin or something like that..."- said Yongare while trying to remember his name.

"Anyway, what are you going to do with your life now?"- asked Shaun.

"I don't know yet but I want to get a job first."- replied Yongrae.

"That's great, why don't you come work for me at Lovoscope."- responded Shaun, "I mean is thanks to you that Lovoscope exists now so..."

"No bro, it's because it is a good app, and people love it."- replied Yongrae.

"That people love it now, it's true, but I think that if mister Jee did not like you this would have never happened."- said Shaun, "So come work for me bro, I can make you the director of marketing or something else... whatever you want."

"Thanks bro, but I'll try to do something on my own."- replied Yongrae with determination.

"Well if you say so..."- responded Shaun disappointed, "I'm not going to force it, or you leave me too..."

Yongrae looked at him annoyed and then the boys laughed together as they were remembering the good old times.

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