Reassurance only a lover could provide

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The events following Fleur being incapacitated was a bit of a blur, Hermione fervently argued against Madame Maxine when she tried removing her from Fleur's side. She glared angrily at the woman, refusing to let go while the only one who remained calm was Dumbledore.

"Miss Black perhaps Miss Delacour should go with her headmistress"

Hermione held the sleeping Veela in her arms, after casting a Rennervate. Fleur hadn't woken immediately which meant the spell was a particularly strong stunning spell.

"No, Fleur will come with me to my personal quarters" she replied daring anyone to argue with her.

"That is not your decision to make Miss black!" Spat Maxine in her thick French accent.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the woman, her patience finally snapped. The ring of Ravenclaw on her finger glowed brightly before dimming . "According to the law, while you are on these grounds you and everyone else are to bide by its rules. Your carriage may be similar to a French embassy but you are not within it.

As the heir of Rowena Ravenclaw I invoke section C clause 3.1, if any witch or wizard is hurt on school grounds as the heir of the founder of Ravenclaw I'm allowed to care for said witch or wizard until such time I deem said witch or wizard is well enough to resume their daily activities. That being said I will be taking Fleur Isabelle Delacour into my care until further notice"

Madame Maxine spluttered while Hermione smirked cockily. "Surely that cannot be allowed."

Dumbledore hummed "Indeed it's possible and can be allowed. Miss black is indeed the sole heir to Rowena Ravenclaw and can invoke the rules of Hogwarts of needs be. The ring on her finger will only respond to her magic and the quarters she will be taking Miss Delacour too can only be accessed by those she allows." His eyes twinkled underneath the darkness and Hermione swore she saw him wink at her.

"Miss Delacour will be safe that I can assure you Madame Maxine." Hermione took that as her chance to leave. Without any effort she lifted a sleeping Fleur into her arms and left without another word.


Hours passed, night turned into early morning and early morning turned to sunrise. Hermione refused to remove her eyes from the slumbering witch. Logically she knew that when someone was hit with a powerful stunning spell even after a revival spell they could still take hours to wake. Even knowing this didn't allow Hermione to find rest, so she kept her vigil on the sleeping Veela.

Her mind ranting with what ifs. Leaving Fleur behind with an imperious ridden crouch was a mistake, a mistake she would never allow herself to make again. She cursed Fleur's counter point. She should've stayed, perhaps bewitched crouch, regardless of him being a ministry official and it being cause of punishment. Fleur was more important. This is one of the rare times she hated her ability for  making decisions based solely on logic.

"Hermione?" The younger witch tried smiling but her face refused to cooperate and ended it being a grimace instead.

"You're awake" she whispered planting a soft kiss to the French witches lips. "You're awake" she whispered again.

"Why are you crying?" Hermione touched her cheeks , only to find she was indeed crying. She shook her head trying to push away her negative thoughts.

"I'm just happy you're okay" she said instead of saying what plagued her.

"Of course it was a stunning spell" Fleur answered in confusion.

"I know" Hermione took a breath to calm her raging emotions "Tell me what happened? Why didn't you defend yourself ?" She asked trying to keep the anger from her tone.

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